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Name: Zidua Pro


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2022-05-11 Herbicide Application Pre-emergent herbicide application on BAU2 soybeans.
2022-05-11 Herbicide Application Burn down plus residual herbicide on ASP2, IP4, 27-1-2 planting green T2, and clean out on east half of A3-east.
2021-05-18 Soil Preparation Roller crimp rye ahead of planting. Spray herbicide after planting.
2021-05-18 Soil Preparation Planting Green: Roller crimp T5 Rye. Roll down T6 rye with cultipacker. Spray T4,5,6 with 32 oz./acre Roundup Power Max. Spray T2 with 16 oz. Roundup Power Max and 6 oz. Zidua Pro per acre.

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