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Name: Warrant


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2021-06-09 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER main site CE soybean plots (112, 210, 312, 402), finished the Lysimeter Field starting from the west, and all the T8NT plots. Sprayed with Enlist at 2 pints/acre, Roundup Powermax at 44 ounces/acre, Warrant at 48 ounces/acre, Ammonium Sulfate at 2.4lbs/acre, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at the beginning 10:00am: 79.2 degrees F, 3.68mph southeast wind, 79.7% relative humidity, and sunny. Weather conditions at the end 1:00pm: 87.3 degrees F, 5.2mph east wind, 53.6% relative humidity, and partly sunny. REI: 48 hours.
2021-06-17 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER Main Site treatment T1 all replications (1,2,3,4,5,6) for post-emergence weed control. Sprayed with Roundup Powermax at a rate of 32 oz/A , ammonium sulfate at 3.4 lbs/A and Warrant at 3 pts/A. Weather conditions at the start 10:00 a.m. were sunny, 71.8 degrees F,42.5 % humidity with 3-4 mph southwest winds. Conditions at the end 1:00 p.m. were sunny, 79.6 degrees F, 20.1 % humidity, and 4-5 mph winds out of the west. 48 hr rei.
2021-06-03 Herbicide Application Sprayed LTER main site Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Fertility Study, a portion of Lysimeter Field starting from the west, and a 30' section of T2R2 for post-emergence weed control. Sprayed with Enlist at 2 pints/acre, Roundup Powermax at 44 ounces/acre, Warrant at 48 ounces/acre, Ammonium Sulfate at 2.4lbs/acre, and a small amount of de-foaming agent. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at the end: 80.3 degrees F, 5.52mph northeast wind, 30.7% relative humidity, and mostly sunny. REI: 48 hours.
2022-05-17 Herbicide Application Post plant pre emerge burn down and residual for corn.
2022-06-20 Herbicide Application Post emergant burn down and residual herbicide in soybeans.
2023-05-09 Herbicide Application Spray soybean plots in preparation for planting. Wind 6 mph for NE, 68 F. 12 hour REI end 5/10 3 am.
2023-05-09 Herbicide Application Spray soybean. Soybean were starting to emerge. Carrier: water 20 gallons solution/acre. Wind 4 mph from SE 71 F. 12 hour REI end 4/10 5 am.
2023-05-31 Herbicide Application Spray corn with herbicide to control weeds. Wind 3.6 mph form SE, 85 F. Carrier water, 20 gpa solution applied.
2023-05-08 Herbicide Application Pre-emergent herbicide application.
2024-05-02 Herbicide Application Apply preemergent burndown and residual herbicide to soybeans in BAU2, ASP5, IP4, A1 south, B1 south, and B0. Wind 9 mph from SE, 72.2 F. Cleanout was done in IP4.
2024-05-30 Herbicide Application Post emergent treatment of weeds in corn. C1 was borders only. Wind 2.0 mph NW, 72F.

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