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Name: GlyStar Plus


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2021-06-08 Herbicide Application Sprayed 24 ounce 2, 4-D ester and 1.1 quart Glystar Plus (Glyphosate) on treatment G4. The spray mix was applied at 20 gallons per acre with low drift air induction nozzles. Weed control for preparation for planting variety trial.
2021-04-05 Herbicide Application Applied 1 quart/acre GlyStar Plus with John Deere 6140R tractor with a Top-Air 3 point sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump. The sprayer was controlled by a Ag Leader/Raven Rate Controller. TeeJet AIXR110025 Spray Nozzles(0.25 gpm) are spaced 20 inches apart along the 45 foot boom. Weather conditions: Cloudy, mid 60's, with winds(~7mph)
2021-04-02 Herbicide Application Applied 1 quart/acre GlyStar Plus with John Deere 6140R tractor with a Top-Air 3 point sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump. The sprayer was controlled by a Ag Leader/Raven Rate Controller. TeeJet AIXR110025 Spray Nozzles(0.25 gpm) are spaced 20 inches apart along the 45 foot boom. Weather conditions: Partly sunny, upper 40's, with winds(~7mph)
2021-04-23 Herbicide Application Sprayed 1.5 pints 2, 4-D ester and 1.5 quarts Glystar Plus (Glyphosate) on treatment G4. The spray mix was applied at 20 gallons per acre with low drift air induction nozzles.
2021-04-23 Herbicide Application Sprayed 1.5 pints 2, 4-D ester and 1.5 quarts Glystar Plus (Glyphosate) on treatment G4. The spray mix was applied at 20 gallons per acre with low drift air induction nozzles.
2021-04-02 Herbicide Application Applied 1 quart/acre GlyStar Plus with John Deere 6140R tractor with a Top-Air 3 point sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump. The sprayer was controlled by a Ag Leader/Raven Rate Controller. TeeJet AIXR110025 Spray Nozzles(0.25 gpm) are spaced 20 inches apart along the 45 foot boom. Weather conditions: Cloudy, upper 40's, with winds(~9mph)
2021-04-02 Herbicide Application Switchgrass in EBI_ILL Study. Applied 1 quart/acre GlyStar Plus with John Deere 6140R tractor with a Top-Air 3 point sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump. The sprayer was controlled by a Ag Leader/Raven Rate Controller. TeeJet AIXR110025 Spray Nozzles(0.25 gpm) are spaced 20 inches apart along the 45 foot boom. Weather conditions: mostly sunny, upper 40's, with winds(~8mph)
2021-06-22 Herbicide Application Applied 1.5 quart per acre Glystar Plus to kill emerging weeds and foot tall milkweed.
2021-05-12 Herbicide Application Sprayed 1.0 quarts Glystar Plus (Glyphosate) on treatment G4 to kill clover in preperation to plant switchgrass. The spray mix was applied at 20 gallons per acre with low drift air induction nozzles. >>>> also applied to all rep 6 plots
2021-06-08 Herbicide Application Sprayed 2 pints 2, 4-D ester and 1.5 quarts Glystar Plus (Glyphosate) on treatment G4. The spray mix was applied at 20 gallons per acre with low drift air induction nozzles. application was for killing clover and other emerging weeds in preparation for planting switchgrass. >>>> Also applied to plot in rep 6 being planted to switchgrass
2022-06-01 Herbicide Application Broadcast sprayed GlyStar Plus (Glyphosate) @ 64 oz/A on treatment 3 to kill weeds in preparation to plant switchgrass.
2024-06-11 Fertilizer Application sprayed with glystar plus @ 48 oz / Acre, Condition + Improve

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