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Name: Fertilizer 18-46-0 DAP Fertilizer

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2015-04-22 Fertilizer Application CHS applied dry fertilizers at variable rate based on soil tests. Listed amounts are averages across field
2015-04-22 Fertilizer Application CHS applied dry fertilizers at variable rate based on soil tests. Amounts recorded are field averages
2022-09-30 Soil Preparation Fertilize with a blend to achieve 30-30-0-10 lbs. per acre of N-P-K-S for small grain trial. Soil finish working east and west except for one no till wheat treatment and one till after broadcasting wheat seed. The south portion of B1 had been disked on 9/13 and 9/23 to kill volunteer canola. A3 east not fertilized/soil finished until 10/3. The broadcast 1.2m and 1.6m seeds per acre and to till after broadcast treatments were soil finished on 10/3 when Peninton wheat planting equipment trial was seeded.
2022-05-20 Fertilizer Application Fertilize no manure micro plot to equal first year availability of manure. 29.5-33-132 lbs. per acre N-P-K.

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