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Name: Fertilizer 11-0-0-26

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2016-04-22 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T2 all replications (6, 5, 2, 3, 4, 1) with a blended mixture of ((28-0-0) and (11-0-0-26) (together figured by weight have a fertilizer analysis of 20-0-0-12). The blend (20-0-0-12) was applied at 19 gallons/A, one gallon weighs 10.83 lbs so it provided 41 lbs of N/A, and 25 lbs of sulfur/A. Started spraying at 9:20 a.m. weather conditions were taken at 11:15 a.m. and 12:50 p.m. but did not vary much from 9:20 a.m. At 11:15 it was cloudy 54 degrees F, 98 % humidity 54 degrees F dew point with 0-5 mph north winds. Conditions at 12:50 p.m. it was cloudy 55 degrees F, 99 % humidity with 4-7 mph north winds.
2016-04-24 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T1 all replications (6, 5, 1, 4, 2, 3), Replications 5&6 were fertilized April 22, 2016. Conditions became to wet and replications 1-4 were finished being fertilized April 24, 2016. Plots were fertilized with a blended mixture of ((28-0-0) and (11-0-0-26) (together figured by weight have a fertilizer analysis of 20-0-0-12). The blend (20-0-0-12) was applied at 19 gallons/A, one gallon weighs 10.83 lbs so it provided 41 lbs of N/A, and 25 lbs of sulfur/A. Weather conditions 8:10 a.m. sunny 48 degrees F, 57% humidity 1-3 mph south south east wind. Conditions 12:42 sunny, 65 degrees F 35% humidity 2-6mph south winds.
2016-04-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site treatment T3 all replications (5, 4, 2, 1, 3, 6), Plots were fertilized with a blended mixture of ((28-0-0) and (11-0-0-26) (together figured by weight have a fertilizer analysis of ). 11-0-0-26 weighs 11 lbs/gallon so 11 lbs of N/A and 26 lbs of sulfur/A were applied. 28-0-0 weighs 10.67 lbs/gallon so 15 lbs of N/A was applied. Total with the blended mixture 26 lbs of N and 26 lbs of sulfur was applied per acre. Weather conditions 10:25 a.m. partly cloudy 46 degrees F, 73% humidity 5-11 mph north east wind. Conditions 1:31 p.m. partly cloudy, 62 degrees F 29% humidity 2-10 mph north east winds.
2016-04-24 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site Lysimiter field with a blended mixture of ((28-0-0) and (11-0-0-26) (together figured by weight have a fertilizer analysis of 20-0-0-12). The blend (20-0-0-12) was applied at 19 gallons/A, one gallon weighs 10.83 lbs so it provided 41 lbs of N/A, and 25 lbs of sulfur/A. Weather conditions 8:10 a.m. sunny 48 degrees F, 57% humidity 1-3 mph south south east wind. Conditions 12:42 sunny, 65 degrees F 35% humidity 2-6mph south winds.
2016-04-27 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER T8nt all replications, Plots were fertilized with a blended mixture of ((28-0-0) and (11-0-0-26) (together figured by weight have a fertilizer analysis of ). 11-0-0-26 weighs 11 lbs/gallon so 11 lbs of N/A and 26 lbs of sulfur/A were applied. 28-0-0 weighs 10.67 lbs/gallon so 15 lbs of N/A was applied. Total with the blended mixture 26 lbs of N and 26 lbs of sulfur was applied per acre. Conditions 1:31 p.m. partly cloudy, 62 degrees F 29% humidity 2-10 mph north east winds. Conditions at 5:45 p.m. were cloudy 62 degrees F 29% humidity with 3-5 mph east winds.
2022-05-05 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site winter wheat treatment T2 all replications (5,3,4,1,6 and 2) and T1 all replications (5, 1, 4, 1, 3, and 6). T8nt 1 2 3 4 Plots were fertilized with 27 gallons per acre nitrogen and sulfur fertilizer blend. 28-0-0 N at 17.92 gallon per acre; 11-0-0-24 at 9.47 gallon per acre; This tank mix application applied approximately 65 pounds of nitrogen per acre and 25 pounds of sulfur per acre. Application was started at 1:30 p.m. and completed by 5:30 p.m. Weather conditions 1:30 p.m. were cloudy 57 degrees F, 63.6% humidity 5 mph East wind. Application was completed using the John Deere 5220 Tractor and the Top Air 30ft sprayer. The sprayer was fitted with Chafer stream bars set to 1.0 orifice setting traveling an average of 6 mph. Applications in Reps containing REX shelter sites was completed using one 15 ft pass on the south side of the REX plots and 1 to 30ft passes traveling east and west on the north side of the REX plots. This avoided driving in the REX shelter locations while applying the fertilizer to the plots.
2022-05-09 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTER Main Site winter wheat treatment Lysimeter Field. The Lysimeter Field was fertilized with 20 gallons per acre nitrogen and sulfur fertilizer blend.
2017-05-02 Planting Planted Corn using variable rate seeds per acre based on historic yield maps. Included starter fertilizer 2 inches below the soil and 2 inches beside the seed.
2019-06-19 Fertilizer Application Applied sidedress fertilizer using drop tubes from sprayer.
2020-05-05 Planting Planted corn using variable rate seeding and no-till in M1 field. Included starter fertilizer 2x2. The 5 acres on the west side of the field was Pioneer P0414AM instead of P0306Q for the variety.
2020-06-19 Fertilizer Application Applied sidedress fertilizer using drop tubes from liquid sprayer. Included 6 ounces per acre of Nitrain Express Nitrogen stabilizer.
2018-05-07 Planting Planted corn using variable rate seeding based on historic yield maps. Seeding ranged from 18K-28K seeds per acre. Included starter fertilizer 2x2.
2019-05-11 Planting Planted corn no-till using variable rate seeding, ranging from 18K-28K seeds per acre. Included starter fertilizer 2x2.
2019-06-19 Fertilizer Application Applied sidedress fertilizer with drop tubes from sprayer.
2020-05-04 Planting Planted corn in L1 field no-till using variable rate seeding, ranging from 19K-28K. Included starter fertilizer 2x2.
2020-06-19 Fertilizer Application Applied sidedress fertilizer for L1 corn field using drop tubes from sprayer. Included Nitrain Express at 5 oz/A as a stabilizer.
2021-05-11 Planting VRT corn planting with Deere 6175m and 1780 6 row starter was applied with 2x2 frame mounted fertilizer openers " 2 gallons extra of 10-34-0 per acre was added to make up for low soil test P. soil was hard from the above normal temp and low rain fall had to max out down force to get to depth. headlands on this field are washing out, and are very ruff. Poor planter performance in these areas herbicide activity will be reduced as well .
2021-05-01 Planting Corn planting VRT with an average seed drop of 27797 seeds per acre stater was applied with frame mounted 2x2 coulters Soil was very dry and hard from the above average temps and below average precipitation
2023-07-06 Fertilizer Application Fertilized LTAR ACSE ASP5 plots with sidedress nitrogen knifed between corn rows

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