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Name: Winter Field Peas

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2014-10-27 Planting Planted Winter Pea cover crop over rye in GLBRC Main Site G4 plots all replications (5, 1, 2, 4, 3). Winter Lynx peas were calibrated to be planted at 100 lbs/A and were actually seeded at 101 pounds/A. Planting depth was 3/4" and the drill setting on the 1590 John Deere No-till drill was on the lower side of 27.
2014-11-03 Planting Planted Winter Pea cover crop over rye in GLBRC Main Site G2 and G3 treatments all replications (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Winter Lynx peas were calibrated to be planted at 100 lbs/A and were actually planted at 108 lbs/A. Planting depth was 3/4" to 1" and the drill setting on the 1590 John Deere No-till drill was on the lower side of 26. Do to running short on seed G3 Rep 5 only had 2 passes planted on 11/3 (starting from the west side) and the remaining 4 passes were planted on 11/5.

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