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Name: Assure II

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2014-06-10 Mechanical Weed Control sprayed to control quackgrass and annual grasses. quackgrass 6-12" tall, some places thick and tall, other places not present.
2014-06-20 Herbicide Application applied grass herbicide to control grass weeds. sprayed over top of trees(less than 3')
2015-04-28 Mechanical Weed Control broadcast sprayed for quackgrass control with CO2 backpack sprayer. Sprayed 12 oz/A Assure II plus Crop Oil Concentrate at 1% v/v. rep 3 has only light pressure, all other reps, heavy pressure of quackgrass.
2015-05-20 Mechanical Weed Control sprayed to finish killing heavy stand of quackgrass in poplar. stand is browning from first spraying, this should kill it. Hand sprayed with CO2 boom sprayer, 12 oz/A Assure II with COC.
2017-05-03 Mechanical Weed Control with hand sprayer, sprayed grass around base of small poplar. mixture of 2 gal water + 1 oz Assure + 0.75 NIS

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