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Name: 2, 4-D ester

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2020-04-28 Herbicide Application Sprayed GLBRC Main Site G1 all replications, 5 plots in rep 6 of glbrc and then LTER lysimeter field west side south of T2 Rep 6 plot. Sprayed with AMS, Roundup Powermax and cornbelt 2,4-D ester 4lb. AMS applied at 3.4 lbs/A, Roundup Powermax applied at 1 qt/A, 2,4-D ester applied at 1 pint/A. Weather conditions at the beginning 3:21 p.m. cloudy, 66.7 degrees F, 5-7 mph south east wind, 61.2 % humidity. Conditions at the end 5:05 p.m. cloudy, 68.6 degrees F, 8-9 mph south east wind, 58.9 % humidity.
2014-05-11 Herbicide Application sprayed burndown herbicide on early termination cover crops: annual ryegrass and red clover. sprayed all of oilseed radish treatment.
2014-05-20 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed all treatments with 2014 Corn. used same rate of herbicide whether it had cover or not.
2014-05-20 Mechanical Weed Control sprayed all treatments with 2014 soybeans. rye height 6-12"
2018-06-08 Mechanical Weed Control Hand applied(fuzzy gloves and pail) 10% solution of Glyphosate to leaves of milkweed. (milkweed plants 18-24" tall) With hand spot sprayer, sprayed 5% solution 2, 4-D ester to Canada thistle, dock and any other broadleaf weed. With hand spot sprayer, sprayed 1oz/gal + crop oil on annual grasses that are growing in thin areas.
2021-04-23 Herbicide Application Sprayed 1.5 pints 2, 4-D ester and 1.5 quarts Glystar Plus (Glyphosate) on treatment G4. The spray mix was applied at 20 gallons per acre with low drift air induction nozzles.
2021-07-21 Observation Applied post-emergence herbicide to control grass and broadleaf weeds. Also sprayed plot 601.
2024-04-10 Herbicide Application Terminate cover crop. Wind 3.4 mph from S, 65.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

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