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Name: Pioneer 36B08 corn hybrid (non Bt corn)

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2004-05-06 Planting Planted corn in the extra area east of the 2,4-D study and west of the LTER main drive. The corn was planted with the JD7520 tractor and JD1730 planter. Planted Pioneer 36B08 corn at 28K seeds/A (69K seeds/ha). Lorsban 15G (chlorpyrifos) insecticide was applied at 8 oz/1,000 foot of row (8.7 lbs/A or 9.77 kg/ha). Row spacing: 30 inches (76.2 cm). Planting depth was 2 inches (5 cm). Previous crop in 2003: fallow.
2004-05-06 Planting Planted corn in the European Corn Borer (ECB) study with the JD7520 tractor and JD1730 planter. Planted Pioneer 36B08 corn at 28K seeds/A (69K seeds/ha) in treatments 2, 3, and all border rows. Planted Pioneer 36B09 at 28K seeds/A (69K seeds/ha) in treatment 1. 36B09 is a Bt variety for protection against corn borer. Row spacing: 30 inches (76.2 cm). Planting depth was 2 inches (5 cm). Previous crop in 2003: corn. Treatment 2 had Lorsban 15G (chlorpyrifos) insecticide applied at 8 oz/1,000 foot of row (8.7 lbs/A or 9.77 kg/ha). Treatments 1, 3, and the border rows did not have any insecticide applied to them.

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