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Name: Quinclorac SPC 75 DF

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2012-05-16 Herbicide Application Herbicide application to G5R1 and G5R2 to prevent warm season grass competition with recently re-seed switchgrass. Since none of the other reps were re-seeded there was no need to apply this herbicide to other plots.
2013-07-18 Herbicide Application Post-emerge spray on switchgrass and miscanthus
2013-07-16 Herbicide Application Post-emerge herbicide on switchgrass
2013-07-18 Herbicide Application Post-emerge spray on switchgrass and miscanthus. R3 of mixed grass was missed sprayed
2014-06-13 Herbicide Application pre-emerge herbicide
2014-07-03 Herbicide Application post emerge
2014-05-08 Herbicide Application Pre-emerge herbicide spray on switchgrass
2016-05-06 Herbicide Application Post-emerge herbicide application at WCG6 reps 3 and 4
2016-06-08 Herbicide Application Post-emerge herbicide application
2016-08-05 Herbicide Application Post-emerge herbicide application
2017-06-20 Herbicide Application post emerge

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