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Name: Starter Fertilizer - (5-14-42)

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2012-05-10 Planting Planting of G1 corn plots, Pioneer 35F40 is RR but is not RW or CB tolerant so Force 3G insecticide was applied at planting in the furrow.
2012-05-10 Planting Corn Planting G2 and G3 - short season (90 day) hybrid
2013-06-07 Planting Planting of G2, G4 corn plots
2013-05-07 Planting Planting of G1 corn plots
2014-05-22 Fertilizer Application Starter fertilizer was inadvertently omitted during planting. Was later spread with Gandy drop spreader.
2014-06-06 Planting Plant corn 34,000 seeds/ac

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