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Name: Fertilizer 19-19-19

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2003-10-08 Fertilizer Application 19-19-19 fertilizer was applied at 167 lbs/A to all replications of treatments 1 and 2 on the main site. Fertilizer was blended together and applied using the JD 6400 with a pull type Willmar, 5 ton PTO driven spinner spreader.
2007-03-30 Fertilizer Application Applied 19-19-19 to T1, T2, T8nt plots, and lysimeter field. March 30, 2007 applied the 19-19-19 to T1 reps: 6, 3, 2, 1, 5, and 4. T2 reps: 6, 1, 5, and 4. March 31, 2007 applied the 19-19-19 to T2 reps: 2 and 3; T8nt plots; N-rate studies (both irrigated and non-irrigated); and Lysimeter field. I used a total of 115 bags (50 lbs/bag). I used 90 bags on T1 and T2 plots. Calibrated at 150 lbs/A. 150 lbs/A of 19-19-19 is 28.5 lbs N-P-K/A.
2007-04-02 Fertilizer Application Applied 19-19-19 T3 and T4 micro-plots, and lysimeter field. I used a total of 15 bags (50 lbs/bag). Calibrated at 150 lbs/A. 150 lbs/A of 19-19-19 is 28.5 lbs N-P-K/A.

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