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Name: Pioneer 92Y30 soybeans (Roundup Ready)

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2009-05-20 Planting Planted soybeans in the LTER main site treatment 1, all reps, Reps 6, 5, 1, and 3 were planted on May 20, 2009. Reps 2 and 4 were planted on May 21, 2009. Planted Pioneer 92Y30 soybeans. Pioneer 92Y30 soybeans is a Roundup Ready soybean variety. 2009 was the first year that a Roundup Ready soybean was planted on the main site. Planting depth 1”, Row width 15”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1730 planter.
2009-05-21 Planting Planted soybeans in the LTER main site treatment 2, all reps: reps 6, 2, 3, 1, 4, and 5. Planted Pioneer 92Y30 soybeans. Pioneer 92Y30 soybeans is a Roundup Ready soybean variety. 2009 was the first year that a Roundup Ready soybean was planted on the main site. Planting depth 1”, Row width 15”. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1730 planter.
2009-05-31 Planting Planted soybeans in the LTER main site treatment 3, all reps: reps 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Planted Pioneer 92Y30 soybeans. Pioneer 92Y30 soybeans is a Roundup Ready soybean variety. 2009 was the first year that a Roundup Ready soybean was planted on the main site. In past years the variety of soybeans in T3 was the same variety as T4. This is the first year that the variety of soybeans in T3 did not match the variety of soybeans planted in T4. The row spacing in T3 has been 30 inches in the past this year the row spacing in 15 inches. Because we planted RR soybeans we did not need the 30 inch row for cultivating weeds. Planting depth 1”, Row width 15”. Planting population: 180,000 seeds/A. Planted with JD 7420b tractor and JD 1730 planter.
2009-05-22 Planting Planted Pioneer 92Y30 RR soybeans in: all reps of G2, N-rate study, irrigated and non-irrigated, and T8nt. Planted with the JD7420b tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planting depth: 1.5 inches. Planting population: 180,000 seeds/A. Row spacing: 15 inches. Lysimeter Field was planted on Saturday May 23, 2009.
2010-05-20 Planting Planted Pioneer 92Y30 RR soybeans in all reps of G4 (reps 4, 2, 1, 3, and 5). Planted with the JD7420b tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planting depth: 1.25 inches. Planting population: 180,000 seeds/A. Row spacing: 15 inches.
2011-05-13 Planting Planted Pioneer 92Y30 RR soybeans in all reps of GLBRC G3 (reps 5, 1, 2, 3, and 4). Planted with the John Deere 7330 tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planting depth: 1.50 inches. Planting population: 185,000 seeds/A. Row spacing: 15 inches.
2012-05-11 Planting Planted soybeans in the GLBRC treatment G4, all reps (reps: 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1). Planted with the JD 7330 tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planted Pioneer 92Y30 RR soybeans. Planting depth: 1.25 inches. Planting population: 180,000 seeds/A. Row spacing: 15 inches.
2011-11-02 Harvest Harvested soybeans in the GLBRC G3 plots, all reps. Entire plot weight was determined by unloading soybeans from the combine to a Brent Weigh Wagon, by Unverferth Co. Number of soybeans rows harvested for each plot were counted and recorded to determine total area harvested. Moisture and test weights were determined using a portable Dicky-john GAC500 XT grain analysis moisture tester. Soybeans harvested were Pioneer 92Y30 RR.
2011-10-17 Harvest October 17, 2011: Harvested GLBRC G3 soybeans from the micro-plot area, all reps, (plus corn stover, and minus corn stover micro plots). Harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. Soybeans harvested were Pioneer 92Y30 RR. For each micro-plot eleven rows on the west and east side of each plot was harvested with the Kincaid plot combine. The middle four 15 inch rows of the eleven row micro-plot area was reported as the micro-plot yield. Each micro-plot is 15 ft wide. Plot weight and moisture were obtained from the on-board FRS Harvest Master computer weighing system, by Juniper Systems.
2012-05-14 Planting Planted soybeans in the LTER CE study treatment CE3, all reps (reps: 1, 3, 2, and 4). Planted with the JD 7330 tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planted Pioneer 92Y30 RR soybeans. Planting depth: 1.00 inch. Planting population: 180,000 seeds/A. Row spacing: 15 inches.
2012-05-19 Planting Planted soybeans in the LTER Main Site treatments T1 and T2, all replications. T2, reps: 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. T1, reps: 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, and 6. Justin Mezo planted east half of T1 rep 5, and he planted all of T1 reps 4 and 1. Planted with the JD 7330 tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planted Pioneer 92Y30 RR soybeans. Planting depth: 1.25 inches. Planting population: 180,000 seeds/A. Row spacing: 15 inches.
2012-05-22 Planting Planted soybeans in the LTER Main Site N-rate study, Fertility Gradient Study, planted both irrigated and non-irrigated studies, all replications. Planted the non-irrigated first and the irrigated study second. Planted with the JD 7330 tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planted Pioneer 92Y30 RR soybeans. Planting depth: 1.25 inches. Planting population: 180,000 seeds/A. Row spacing: 15 inches.
2012-05-22 Planting Planted soybeans in the LTER Main Site lysimeter field today. Planted with the JD 7330 tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planted Pioneer 92Y30 RR soybeans. Planting depth: 1.25 inches. Planting population: 180,000 seeds/A. Row spacing: 15 inches.
2012-05-23 Planting Planted soybeans in the LTER Main Site treatment T3, all replications, reps: 6, 1, 3, 2, 4, and 5. Planted with the JD 7330 tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planted Pioneer 92Y30 RR soybeans. Planting depth: 1.25 inches. Planting population: 180,000 seeds/A. Row spacing: 15 inches.
2012-05-24 Planting Planted soybeans in the LTER treatment T8nt and Interaction plots, all replications. Planted with the JD 7330 tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planted Pioneer 92Y30 RR soybeans. Planting depth: 1.25 inches. Planting population: 180,000 seeds/A. Row spacing: 15 inches. Justin Mezo planted the T8nt plots.
2012-05-25 Planting Planted soybeans in the LTER soybean variety trail, first planting date was planted on the west side of the old ECB study area. Planted with the JD 7330 tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planted Pioneer 92Y30 RR soybeans and Blue River Hybrids 19AR1 organic soybeans. Planting depth: 1.25 inches. Planting population: 180,000 seeds/A. Row spacing: 15 inches. Planted 4 reps of each soybean variety.
2012-05-11 Planting Planted soybeans in the GLBRC Bait Crop Area: the middle 30 ft on the east and south sides of field 98. Planted with the JD 7330 tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planted Pioneer 92Y30 RR soybeans. Planting depth: 1.25 inches. Planting population: 180,000 seeds/A. Row spacing: 15 inches.
2013-06-06 Planting Planted soybeans in GLBRC Main-Site bait crop inner edge. Planted Pioneer 92Y30 soybeans 1" depth at 197,000 seeds/acre. Row spacing 15".
2013-06-21 Planting Planted soybeans in GLBRC bait crop along the outer east and south edges. Planted Pioneer 92Y30 RR soybeans in 15" rows at 200,000 seeds/A. Also applied 19-17-0 at 15 gal/A. East outer edge received more starter fertilizer than the south side just to empty tank on planter.
2013-06-06 Planting Planted soybeans in GLBRC rep 6 two plots just to the east of rep 6 miscanthus. Planted Pioneer 92Y30 RR soybeans 1" depth at 197,000 seeds/acre. Row spacing 15".
2013-06-05 Planting Planted soybeans in the GLBRC treatment G3, all reps (reps: 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1). Planted with the JD 7330 tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planted Pioneer 92Y30 RR soybeans. Planting depth: 1 inch. Planting population: 197,000 seeds/A. Row spacing: 15 inches.
2013-06-06 Planting Planted soybeans in the LTER CE study treatment CE2, all reps (reps: 2,3,1,4). Planted with the JD 7330 tractor and JD 1730 planter. Planted Pioneer 92Y30 RR soybeans. Planting depth: 1.00 inch. Planting population: 197,000 seeds/A. Row spacing: 15 inches.

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