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Name: Organic Cereal Rye

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2007-11-08 Planting No-till planted organic cereal rye (no variety stated) into Biodiversity Study treatments B4, B5, and B16. Planted with JD 7420a tractor and JD 750 no-till drill. Drill setting: 32. The drill meter (counter) indicated that 1.0 acre was planted. A total of three 50 pound bags were used. When finished 20 pounds of seed was removed from the drill. Seeding rate: 130 pounds of seed used/1.0 acres = 130 lbs seed/A or (130 pounds of seed used/Acre)/(56 pounds/1 bu rye) (one bushel of rye equals 56 pounds) = 2.3 bu of rye/A. We did not have a count of the number of seed that each pound of the rye contained, therefore we can not say how many seeds were planted per acre. B4 plots: (104, 220, 307, and 404); B5 plots: (114, 217, 312, and 405); B16 plots: (101, 210, 308, and 416).
2011-11-18 Planting No-till planted cereal rye at 127 lbs/A (142 kg/ha) in the LTER Main Site Treatment T4, all replications (Reps 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1). Rye variety was not stated on the tag. Seed was obtained from Ulrich Farms and was GOA certified organic rye, Lot # 5-A-11. Stated germination rate was 96%. Planting depth was 3/4 inch deep (2rd notch on drill) and setting on drill was #32. Planted with the JD7420a tractor and JD750 10 ft no-till drill. We did not have a count of the number of seed that each pound of the rye contained, therefore we can not say how many seeds were planted per acre. However, the 127 lbs/A (since 56 lbs seed/A = 1 bushel) works out to 2.27 bu/A.
2014-11-07 Planting No-till planted organic cereal rye in the LTER Main Site Treatment T4, all replications (Reps 5, 1, 6, 2, 3, 4). Rye was planted with a target rate of 2.5 bu/A or 140 lbs/A. Rye was actually seeded at 2.4 bu/A or 134 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1 to 1-1/2 inches deep and setting on drill was #35.5.
2014-11-10 Planting No-till planted organic cereal rye in the LTER Biodiversity Study treaments B3 plots (111, 203, 306, 403), B4 plots (104, 220, 307, 404), B16 plots (101, 210, 308, 416). Rye was planted with a target rate of 2.5 bu/A or 140 lbs/A. Rye was actually seeded at 2.4 bu/A or 134 lbs/A. Planting depth was 1 to 1-1/2 inches deep and setting on drill was #35.5.

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