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Name: Great Lakes Hybrid 2634 soybeans

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1988-05-24 Planting {{PL: Planted the soybeans in the No-till plots of the Rotation Study. The soil is very hard due to the dry conditions and proper planting depth was not achieved. Most seed was covered however. Because of the conditions the seeding rate was increased slightly compared to the other soybean plots in this study. Planted about 8 beans/foot (gear settings 14/26) of the Great Lakes Hybrid GL 2634. This completes planting of all plots in the Rotation Study. }}
1989-05-30 Planting {{PL: We planted the last of the soybeans on the Rotation Study. The Rotation/Crop #2C (conventional till soybeans) were planted. It was too wet to do these plots when the other beans were planted on May 26. It was still too wet today, but they're in anyway. I did get stukc somewhat in Rep 3 and a short area, one planter swath wide, will have to be repaired and hand-planted. See May 26, 1989 for details on planting.}}
1989-05-26 Planting {{PL: Planted all ridge-till and no-till soybeans on the Rotation study today. Used the Buffalo planter and planted approx. 10-12 beans/foot of the variety GL2634 from Great Lakes Hybrids. We are using seed left over from last season and so planting rates are a bit higher than normal. It was too wet to plant the conventional till soybeans (#2C) today. The following rotation/Crop numbers were planted today: Ridge-till -- 1C, 3D, 4B; No-till -- 5B **We inadvertrantly planted these plots with the ridge-cleaner disks on the planter. These should have been removed and therefore some soil manipulation was performed in the rows in plots that were supposed to be no-till.}}
1988-06-30 Planting {{PL: Used the Buffalo planter to replant the soybeans in Rotation 5/ Crop B of the Rotation study in the Ancillary site. Planted Great Lakes Hybrid GL 2634. Gear setting on planter was 14/26 giving a population of about 8 beans/foot.

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