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1993-04-23 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: <Action>Rotation Study; Today we sprayed selected treatments of the Rotation Study to control quackgrass. Rate was 2 qts/acre in 20 gallons water. The following treatments were sprayed: 1A, 1C, 2C, 3A, 3C, 3D, 3E, 4A, 4B, & 5A}}
2002-08-29 Harvest Mowed the wheat stuble plots in the biodiversity study. The wheat stuble was mowed to prevent weeds from producing seeds. If the plots had a cover crop growing (clover that was frost seeded) the mower was set to cut just the weeds that were growing above the cover crop. On average I would say that 1-2 inches of the clover was cut off during the mowing

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