Name: cultipacker

1992-05-18 Soil Preparation Disked and cultipacked [] [T1]

1990-05-25 Soil Preparation Disked, field cultivated, and cultipacked [] [T1]

1997-10-22 Soil Preparation Field cultivated and culti-packed for seed bed preparation. [] [T1]

1997-10-24 Soil Preparation Cultimultched and cultipacked. Replicates 5 and 6 only [T3]

1997-10-26 Soil Preparation Cultimultched and cultipacked. Replicates 1, 2, 3, and 4 only [T3]

1994-05-12 Soil Preparation Field cultivated and cultipacked; reps 1, 2, 4, 5 only [T3]

1994-05-13 Soil Preparation Field cultivated and cultipacked; reps 3, 6 only [T3]

1994-05-16 Soil Preparation Field cultivated and cultipacked [T1]

1994-05-17 Soil Preparation Field cultivated and cultipacked [T4]

1997-05-22 Soil Preparation cultivate / cultipacked [T4]

1989-04-14 Soil Preparation {{PL: Used a disk and cultipacker to workup the plots in the Rotation Study which will be planted to Oats (should have been wheat last fall) (Rotation/Crop #'s 1A & 2A). After tilling, Treatments 1A & 2A were seeded to Oats with the Tye drill (mounted). Variety was ”Ogles” at a rate of 2 bushels/acre. The Alfalfa plots (3A) need more tillage and the seed isn't in yet.}}

1989-04-27 Soil Preparation Field cultivated and cultipacked [T6] [] {{PL: Field cultivated and cultipacked the following plots in the Alfalfa/Perennial Biomass treatment today: #1-6, 2-6, and 6-6.}}

1989-04-28 Soil Preparation {{PL: Disked, field cultivated and cultipacked the following plots today in preparation for seeding the Alfalfa: #3-6, 4-6, 5-6.}}

1989-04-28 Soil Preparation {{PL: Field cultivated (1 pass) and cultipacked (2 times) the 4 plots which are Rotation Study #3A in 1989. These will be planted to oats/alfalfa.}}

1989-05-18 Soil Preparation {{PL: Lana Barclay and crew performed various operations on her Hairy Vetch Mgt study in the Ancillary Site today. These operations included flail mowing, moldboard plowing, disking and cultipacking. Check with Dana if you need details on these operations.}}

1993-04-27 Soil Preparation {{PL: <Action> Rotation Study; Treatments 3a were plowed in all four reps. Ground was then tilled with a disk and culti-packer to firm it up. Oats were then seeded at 65 lbs/a along with 18 lbs/a Alfalfa. The Tye drill was used.}}

1993-05-18 Harvest {{PL: <Action>Vetch management; Mowed corn stalks in all ridge and no-till treatments with bush hog mower. Conventional till treatments were disked and then field cultivated with cultipacker attached also. Planted all treatments with GL 450 at 26,000 plants/a. Dyphonate was added to aid in rootworm control. }}

1988-10-14 Soil Preparation {{PL: Finished the first disking of rep 6, trts 2,3,4, and 7. This was begun yesterday. A soon as this was complete we hooked the cultipacker to the disk and hit al four plots again with the disk + cultipacker. }}

1988-05-24 Soil Preparation {{PL: After dragging and cultipacking the appropriate plots in the Rotation Study, Jim B. and Andrew Seitz planted Oats at 2 bushels/acre and Medium Red Clover at 12 pounds/acre using the Tye ‘Series 5’ No-till grain drill.}}

1988-10-13 Soil Preparation {{PL: Bronson's Crew: Disked Tiedje's 2,4-D study using the 10 foot International disk just procured from the Farm Learning Center. We then disked the entire study a second time with the cultipacker hooked to the disk. Tiedje’s technician (Peter B.) then flagged out his plots and applied his spray treatments.Bronson’s crew also began disking certain treatments of Rep 6 in the main Site. The treatments that will be disked are as follows: Trt #2 (no-till/high input), Trt #3-4 (low and zero input); Trt#7 (Native successional). The reasons for disking now are to leave these plots as much like the other 5 reps as possible considering that rep 6 was in alfalfa this summer. This is especially true for Trt 7 which will not be touched from now on and for Trt 2 which will be no-till corn next summer and will probably not be touched again before that. Trts 3-4 are to be planted to wheat this fall and the disking is in preparation for that operation. }}

2021-05-18 Soil Preparation Planting Green: Roller crimp T5 Rye. Roll down T6 rye with cultipacker. Spray T4,5,6 with 32 oz./acre Roundup Power Max. Spray T2 with 16 oz. Roundup Power Max and 6 oz. Zidua Pro per acre.

2021-06-03 Soil Preparation Planting green: biomass sample T7,8 rye. Cultipack T8. Spray T7,8.

2021-06-11 Soil Preparation BCSE, plot 601: Chisel plowed 3X to get dry hard soil tilled. used cultipacker to smooth soil for preperation for switchgrass seeding

2022-05-24 Soil Preparation Soil finish the tilled treatments twice and cultipack to even seed bed. Plant all treatments with 47.5 lbs./acre hemp seed.

2022-05-23 Soil Preparation Use roller crimper and cultipacker to lay down rye in planting green treatments. The rye was small and sprang back up most of the way.

2022-06-09 Herbicide Application Spray planting green soybeans t 7 and 8 and spray Lowry old switchgrass (planted to soybeans). T8 was rolled down with the cultipacker on the 10th.

2022-05-16 Soil Preparation Cultimulch prairie plots and strips with shovels down to control weeds and rollers to firm seed bed for planting.