Name: 12 ft glenco field cultivator

2001-10-04 Soil Preparation Chisel plowed the wheat plots in the biodiversity study. Field cultivated the same plots with a 12 ft glenco. Planted Pioneer 25R26 soft red winter wheat into the same plots. Drill setting was on 41. Meter on drill indicated that I planted 1.9 acres. A total of 6 bags of seed were used.

1999-05-09 Soil Preparation Secondary tillage for seedbed preparation done in two operations. First, a Glenco field cultivator (drag down) with 4” (10.16 cm) sweeps was used to work the ground. Replicates 1 and 2, only. [T3]

1999-05-10 Soil Preparation Secondary tillage for final seedbed preparation was done by working ground with 7” (17.78 cm) sweeps using Glenco field cultivator (drag down) in order to kill any remaining clover plants. [T3]

2001-10-30 Soil Preparation Chisel plowed and field cultivated treatment B1 in the biodiversity study.

1996-05-23 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: (entry 2) Sprayed TRT1 and 2 Wheat Plots in Rotation Entry Point Study at 1 pt/A 2,4-D amine. Also sprayed alleyways around REP to control broadleaf weeds and to rinse out sprayer. Used Glenco cultivator and Case (dairies 885 w/FWA) to cultivate Soybean TRT 1,3,4.}}

2001-10-30 Soil Preparation Because of perennial weeds (curlydock and dandelion) all replications of treatment B16 in the biodiversity study were chisel plowed, field cultivated, and planted with annual rye. Most likely used the JD 750 no-till drill.

2014-09-09 Soil Preparation Field cultivated LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study continuous wheat treatments B17, all reps: (plots 116, 211, 302, 417) and B20, all reps: (plots 120, 215, 218, 420). Plots were soil finished with the JD 7420 tractor and the Glenco field cultivator a total of two times. The goal was to work up and kill any weeds (mainly quack grass) that had grown and try to prevent further growth. All plots were finished to a 5-6” depth with speed of 4-7 mph. Because treatments B17 and B20 are continuous wheat (without crop rotation) we have problems with quack grass growing so thick in these plots that we do not have much wheat to harvest from these plots. The goal will be to preform tillage in these plots from now unit the wheat needs to be planted later this fall (October) and see if we can reduce the amount of quack grass growing in these plots next spring (a type of short term fallow treatment).

2014-09-09 Soil Preparation Field cultivated LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study continuous fallow treatment B21, all reps: plots (100, 200, 300, and 421). Going over each plot with JD 7420 tractor and the Glenco field cultivator a total of two times. The goal was to work up and kill any weeds that had grown from previous tillage. All plots were finished to a 4-5” depth with speed of 4-6 mph.

2014-09-18 Soil Preparation Field cultivated LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study continuous wheat treatments B17, all reps: (plots 116, 211, 302, 417) and B20, all reps: (plots 120, 215, 218, 420). Plots were soil finished with the JD 7420 tractor and the Glenco field cultivator a total of two times making 4 passes each time. The goal was to work up and kill any weeds (mainly quack grass) that had grown and try to prevent further growth. All plots were finished to a 5-6” depth with speed of 4-7 mph. Because treatments B17 and B20 are continuous wheat (without crop rotation) we have problems with quack grass growing so thick in these plots that we do not have much wheat to harvest from these plots. The goal will be to preform tillage in these plots from now unit the wheat needs to be planted later this fall (October) and see if we can reduce the amount of quack grass growing in these plots next spring (a type of short term fallow treatment).

2014-09-30 Soil Preparation Field cultivated LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study continuous wheat treatments B17, all reps: (plots 116, 211, 302, 417) and B20, all reps: (plots 120, 215, 218, 420). Plots were soil finished with the JD 7420 tractor and the Glenco field cultivator a total of two times making 4 passes each time. The goal was to work up and kill any weeds (mainly quack grass) that had grown and try to prevent further growth. All plots were finished to a 5-6” depth with speed of 4-7 mph. Because treatments B17 and B20 are continuous wheat (without crop rotation) we have problems with quack grass growing so thick in these plots that we do not have much wheat to harvest from these plots. The goal will be to preform tillage in these plots from now unit the wheat needs to be planted later this fall (October) and see if we can reduce the amount of quack grass growing in these plots next spring (a type of short term fallow treatment).