Name: rake

2003-08-28 Harvest Raked the alfalfa in treatment 6 on the main site replications 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

2003-08-30 Harvest Raked alfalfa, into double wind rows, on the main site treatment 6 replications 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Baled alfalfa, into round bales, on the main site treatment 6 replications 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

2002-07-12 Harvest Raked the alfalfa on the main site treatment 6 all replications. Baled the alfalfa on the main site treatment 6 all replications. The alfalfa was baled into small square bales.

2003-07-14 Harvest Matt and Tim raked alfalfa on the main site treatment 6. Mick baled the alfalfa in treatment 6 replications 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

2003-07-14 Harvest Matt and Tim raked alfalfa on the main site treatment 6. Mick baled the alfalfa in treatment 6 replications 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

1999-07-15 Harvest Alfalfa was turned over with a side-delivery rake to help it dry down. [T6]

1994-07-12 Harvest Raked; reps 1, 2, 3, 4 only [T6]

1994-07-14 Harvest Raked hay into double windrows [T6]

1994-09-07 Harvest Raked [T6]

1993-07-13 Harvest Raked [T6]

1992-08-14 Harvest Raked [T6]

1991-06-04 Mechanical Weed Control Raked and baled [T6]

1991-08-26 Harvest Raked and baled [T6]

1991-10-17 Harvest Raked and baled [T6]

1990-08-27 Harvest Raked and baled third cutting [T6]

1991-07-11 Harvest Haybined, raked, and baled [T6]

1990-07-06 Harvest Haybined, raked, and baled [T6]

1989-08-17 Harvest Haybined, raked, and baled [T6]

2001-08-24 Harvest Matt raked alfalfa in the lysimeter field. Because of 2.25 inches of rain we recieved on 8/22/01 we chopped the alfalfa back onto the ground. Mick chopped the alfalfa back on the ground.

2002-06-20 Harvest Raked the alfalfa in the lysimeter field.

2002-06-21 Harvest Raked the alfalfa in the lysimiter field around 12 noon. The alfalfa was baled into round bales this afternoon.

2002-07-12 Harvest Raked the alfalfa on the main site treatment 6 all replications. Baled the alfalfa on the main site treatment 6 all replications. The alfalfa was baled into small square bales.

1989-06-06 Harvest {{PL: Raked the hay in the lysimeter area today. We also mowed the hay areound Tiedje's 2,4-D plot and the area near where the linear is sitting on the North end of the Ancillary field.}}

1989-06-07 Harvest {{PL: Raked the hay in area near linear today.}}

1996-08-14 Harvest {{PL: Raked and Baled Third Cut of Alfalfa across all Six Replicates of the LTER and the Lysimeter Field. Pick all the square bales and took to the dairy. Alfalfa yield was very low due to the lack of precipitation.}}

1993-06-04 Harvest {{PL: <Action>Lysimeter area; Raked alfalfa around this area. Hay will eventually be chopped for Dairy. }}

1993-06-09 Harvest {{PL: <Action>Lysimeter, Rotation Study; LYSIMETER: raked hay again on this plot; ROTATION: raked treatment 3b on study for all reps. }}

1993-06-10 Harvest {{PL: <Action>Lysimeter; Raked hay again on plots. Chopped larger part of hay for dairy, they have the weights.}} {{PL: <Action>Rotation study; Raked hay on treatment 3b for all reps.}}

1993-06-11 Harvest {{PL: <Action>Lysimeter; Raked smaller portion of the plot again. Baled lysimeter with small baler. Bales were gathered and put in barn.}} {{PL: <Action>Rotation; Raked treatment 3b for all reps again. Treatment was then baled and picked up and placed in barn. Small square baler was used for both. }}

1993-07-27 Harvest {{PL: <Action>Lysimeter area; Raked larger part of the lysimeter, hay was rained on over weekend. Will bale up for bedding. }}

1993-07-28 Harvest {{PL: <Action>Lysimeter area; Raked all of lysimeter area. Put smaller area up into small bales and removed from plot with bale wagon. Larger area was round baled and will be used for bedding. }}

1993-09-10 Harvest {{PL: <Action>Rotation Study; Raked and baled hay off to treatment 3b for all reps. Dumped hay on compost pile due to it being really wet. }}

1993-07-15 Harvest {{PL: <Action>Perennial Alfalfa; Turned hay on Treatment 6 (second raking) for all reps. Later that afternoon hay was raked for a third time on treatment 6 and baled for reps 1,2, and 4. Hay was then baled and removed on reps 1, 2, and 4. }}

1993-07-16 Harvest Raked and baled [T6]{{PL: <Action>Perennial Alfalfa; Hay was raked for a third time on Treatment 6 for reps 3, 5, and 6. Hay was then baled and removed. }}

1994-09-08 Harvest {{PL: Raked hay on LTER main site treatment 6 for all reps. Baled hay with square baler on LTER main site treatment 6 for all reps. Later removed hay with Dairy’s stacker. }}

1988-09-14 Harvest {{PL: Raked hay on the alfalfa plots of the Rotation study. }}

2010-04-01 Harvest Harvested GLBRC Main Site Treatment G9 Old Field. Plots were harvested with a JD 3430 12' haybine. Standing, overwintered, plant material was harvested by first cutting and windrowing with the haybine; windrows were then manually raked into piles which were loaded into a tare-weighed grain truck. The truck was then reweighed to determine the harvestable biomass. This method of harvest was selected to best represent the method farmers would use on overwintered fields (cut, windrow, collect with round-baler) with the substitution of the manual collection for the round-baler due to our small plot size and the lack of sufficient biomass to permit the round-baler use. For replications G3, G4 and G5, biomass was separately collected and weighed from the fertilized microplots.

2010-11-03 Planting Planted grass in LTER main site alleyways. Alleyways which were seeded were on the north end of replicate 5, south of all plots along B Avenue, and area immediately to west of Cellulosic Ethanol Study. Seeded areas were seeded with the Brillion SS12 seeder in 2-3 complete passes over all areas. Soil had been previously worked up with chisle plow, subsoiler, disc harrow, and soil finisher, however, in the ensuing 3-4 weeks we had received a couple of rains so the soil was somewhat packed down. It was determined that 2-3 passes of the Brillion's packers loosened the soil sufficient to allow the seed to obtain good contact with the soil and for a significant amount of seed to be buried. 825 pounds of seed were used to cover an area of approximately 3.3 acres. This worked out to be approximately 250 lbs/A. An additional 50 pounds approximately was hand seeded at intersections with other drives and at the start and end of the alleys that were seeded. The mixture of seed used was Kalamazoo Wear Green Mix from Kalamazoo Landscape Supply. Kalamazoo Wear Green Mix was composed of 33.25% 2nd Millennium Tall Fescue, 33.22% Lexington Tall Fescue, 33.16% of Kalahari Tall Fescue, and 0.33% inert matter; the seed mix had a stated germination rate of 85%. Weather conditions at time of planting were cold and mostly cloudy (39 degrees F).

2010-07-19 Harvest Raked alfalfa in LTER Main Site treatment T6 all replications. On 7/19/2010, hay was raked and left to dry.

2006-07-14 Harvest Mowed the alfalfa in T6 plots. July 17, 2006 the alfalfa in T6 plots were raked, baled and removed from the field.

2001-07-09 Harvest Mowed the alfalfa in the lysimeter field. July 9, 2001 mowed the alfalfa; July 12, 2001 raked alfalfa; July 12, 2001 baled alfalfa from lysimeter field.

2001-08-21 Harvest Mowed all replications of treatment 6, reps: 1, 2, 4, 6, 3, and 5. The alfalfa was to small to harvest but I did not want the weeds to goto weed seeds and the alfalfa was blooming. I think we chopped third cutting T6 alfalfa back onto the plots. i.e. look at ag-log for August 24, 2001 we chopped the lysimeter field alfalfa back onto the rain because of the rain on 8/22/01 so I am sure that we chopped T6 plots back onto the ground. Not sure who raked the alfalfa in the lysimeter field. Because of 2.25 inches of rain we recieved on 8/22/01 we chopped the alfalfa back onto the ground. Mick chopped the alfalfa back on the ground.

2004-08-21 Harvest August 21, 2004 mowed all reps of T6 plots, reps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. August 23, 2004 tedded all the T6 plots, reps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. August 25, 2004 raked alfalfa in five of the six reps of T6 plots, reps: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. We did not rake rep 6 because we wanted to see what things looked like if we did nt rake things and recieved rain. The alfalfa in T6 plots was to wet to bale this afternoon and we were expecting rain tonight so we wanted to see if keeping the alfalfa all spread out (tedded) helps/or not to dry faster after a rain. August 27, 2004 raked alfalfa in all reps of T6 plots. August 31, 2004 Bob A. raked alfalfa in all reps of T6 plots. August 31, 2004 because of the rain we received this past week the alfalfa was no good so Mick chopped all the alfalfa back onto the T6 plots. We did not weigh the alfalfa from the T6 plots we just wanted the alfalfa off the plots. We did not want to add the organic matter back onto the plots so we chopped the alfalfa and removed the alfalfa from the plots.

2000-06-01 Harvest Cut Alfalfa in the Lysimeter area. June 1, 2000: mowed alfalfa in the lysimeter field. June 2, 2000: raked and chopped alfalfa in the lysimeter field. Not sure who complete this work or what equipment was used. Either Joe S. or John S. mowed the alfalfa in the lysimeter field. Joe S. or John S. most likely raked the alfafla; The KBS dairy chopped the alfalfa out of the lysimeter field.

2000-07-20 Harvest Mowed T6 plots, all reps; Please see notes below for specific dates for field activities. July 20, 2000 John S. mowed the lysimeter field; July 24, 2000 John S. raked the lysimeter field (most likely the JD 5400 tractor and NH rake); July 25, 2000 round baled the lysimeter field (I am sure the dairy would have help bale this field).

2017-09-08 Harvest Friday September 8, 2017 Justin Mezo cut the alfalfa in the LTER T6 plots. Equipment used: JD Monday September 11, 2017 the MSU KBS Dairy Farm staff raked and baled the T6 plots.

2021-08-09 Harvest Raked and baled the sorghum Sudan hybrid with the intended use for LTER soil amendments in combination with the REX project. Made 19 round bales (58" diameter) between the two fields.

2021-08-23 Harvest Baled the switchgrass from all the T6 plots, reps: 5, 4, 2, 3, 1, and 6. Raked switchgrass prior to baling. (Kuhn rotary rake MSU Dairy)