Name: broadcast sprayer

1995-09-18 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcast sprayed Roundup (glyphosate) 3 qt/a (7 l/ha) for dogbane control; reps 1, 2, and 3 only [T2] Broadcast sprayed Roundup (glyphosate) 3 qt/a (7 l/ha) for dogbane control reps 1, 2, 3 only [T1]

1993-04-27 Fertilizer Application Broadcasted K2O (0-0-60) at 80 lbs K/a (90 kg K/ha); reps 1-5 only [T1, T2, T3]

1993-05-06 Herbicide Application Broadcasted 2 qt/a (5 l/ha) Roundup [T2]

1993-05-28 Fertilizer Application Broadcasted K2O (0-0-60) 195 lbs K/a (218 kg K/ha); reps 1-5 only [T6]

1993-05-28 Fertilizer Application Broadcasted K2O (0-0-60) 257 lbs K/a (288 kg K/ha); rep 6 only [T6]

1991-06-12 Fertilizer Application Broadcasted K2O 0-0-60 at 350 lbs K/a [T6]

1995-09-15 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcast sprayed Roundup (glyphosate) 3 qt/a (7 l/ha) for dogbane control; reps 4, 5, and 6 only [T2] Broadcast sprayed Roundup (glyphosate) 3 qt/a (7 l/ha) for dogbane (Apocynum cannabinum) control; reps 4, 5, 6 only [T1]

1995-10-08 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcast sprayed Roundup (glyphosate) 2 qt/a (7 l/ha), 17 lb. ammonium sulfate for dogbane escapes control;rep 2 only [T1] Broadcast sprayed Roundup (glyphosate) 2 qt/a (7 l/ha), 17 lb. ammonium sulfate for dogbane escapes control; rep 1 only [T2]

2001-07-02 Planting Broadcast seeded clover into the biodiversity study.

1997-06-12 Fertilizer Application Based on fall 1996 soil tests, fertilizers were broadcasted after first cutting at the following rates. Lime (IT/A) (350 lb/A pelleted Lime), 300 lb K as potash (K2O) (0-0-60), and 2 /b/A Boron (B). Replicates 4, 5, and 6 only. [T6] [Boron, K2O]

1997-06-13 Fertilizer Application Based on fall 1996 soil tests, fertilizers were broadcasted after first cutting at the following rates. Lime (IT/A) (350 lb/A pelleted Lime), 300 lb K as potash (K2O) (0-0-60), and 2 /b/A Boron (B). Replicates 1, 2, and 3 only. [T6] [Boron, K2O] [T6]

1996-06-13 Fertilizer Application Based on fall 1995 soil tests, K20 and Boron (B) was broadcast after first cutting was chopped. Fertilizers included 250 lb K/acre (280 kg K/ha) K20 as Potash (0-0-60) and Boron (B) at 2 lb B/acre (2.24 kg /ha). Both nutrients were premixed in a dry granular formulation. Replicates 1-6 [Boron, K2O] [T6]

1993-08-17 Planting Broadcasted hairy vetch at 30 lbs/a (34 kg/ha) [T3, T4]

1992-08-06 Planting Broadcasted hairy vetch at 30 lbs/a (33.6 kg/ha) [T4]

1992-08-26 Planting Broadcasted hairy vetch at 30 lbs/a (33.6 kg/ha) [T3]

1990-08-01 Insecticide Application Sprayed 1.25 lbs/a (1 kg/ha) Sevin 80sdue to high leafhopper population, 20 qpa [T6]

1990-08-06 Planting Hairy vetch broadcasted at 40 lbs/a [T3] ********* Hairy vetch broadcasted at 40 lbs/a (45 kg/ha) [T4]

1989-08-12 Planting Broadcasted hairy vetch at 36.6 lbs/a (41 kg/ha) [T3, T4]

1995-09-15 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcast sprayed Roundup (glyphosate) 2 qt/a (7 l/ha), 17 lb. ammonium sulfate for dogbane escapes control;rep 2 only [T1] Broadcast sprayed Roundup (glyphosate) 2 qt/a (7 l/ha), 17 lb. ammonium sulfate for dogbane escapes control; rep 1 only [T2]

1991-06-07 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcasted 10” (25 cm) bands, (post-emergence) 0.5 pt/a (0.6 l/ha) Basagran, 0.25 pt/a (0.3 l/ha) Blazer 2L, 1 pt/a (1 l/ha) crop oil concentrate [T3, T4]

1994-05-19 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcasted 2.5 pt/a (pre-emergence) (3 l/ha) Broadstrike + Dual, 20 gpa carrier; reps 3, 4, 5, 6 only [T1]

1997-06-18 Mechanical Weed Control Targeted weeds a 2” maximum height 12” bands (one nozzlesrow). Sprayed Galaxy (2 pt/A), Pinnacle (1/4 oz/A) and NIS (2 pt/A) 28% Nitrogen (4 pt/A). burned the soybeans to some extent. [T3]

1993-06-02 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed Extrazine (Cyanazine + Atrizine) 2.5 qt/a (6 l/ha) plus Microtech (Alachlor and Lasso) 2.5 qt/a (6 l/ha) plus Gramoxone Extra (Paraquat) 1.25 qt/a (3 l/ha) [Field 32]

1989-04-28 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcast herbicide; rep 5 only: Goal 1 qt/a (2 l/ha), Lorox 4L 1.5 qt/a (4 l/ha), Princep 1.5 qt/a (4 l/ha), and 20 gpa. [T5]

1989-05-01 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcast herbicide; rep 2 only: Goal 1 qt/a (2 l/ha), Lorox 4L 1.5 qt/a (4 l/ha), Princep 1.5 qt/a (4 l/ha), and 20 gpa. [T5]

1989-05-03 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcast herbicide; rep 4 only: Goal 1 qt/a (2 l/ha), Lorox 4L 1.5 qt/a (4 l/ha), Princep 1.5 qt/a (4 l/ha), and 20 gpa. [T5]

1989-05-06 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcast herbicide; rep 3 and 6 only: Goal 1 qt/a (2 l/ha), Lorox 4L 1.5 qt/a (4 l/ha), Princep 1.5 qt/a (4 l/ha), and 20 gpa. [T5] [R3, R6]

1990-05-31 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcasted 0.5 pt/a (1 l/ha) Sencor (pre-emergence) 4L, 2.5 pt/a (3 l/ha) Dual 8E, 20 gpa [T1, T2]

1991-05-07 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcasted 2 qt/a (5 l/ha) Roundup, (pre-emergence) 20 gpa carrier [T2]

1991-05-24 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcasted 1 qt/a (2 l/ha) Marksman, (post-emergence) 20 gpa carrier [T1]

1991-05-28 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcasted 1 qt/a (2 l/ha) Marksman, (post-emergence) 20 gpa carrier [T2]

1991-06-07 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcasted 1 qt/a (2 l/ha) Basagran, (post-emergence) 1 qt/a (2 l/ha) crop oil concentrate, 23 gpa [T1, T2]

1991-07-23 Insecticide Application Broadcasted 0.5 pt/a (0.6 l/ha) Ambush due to leafhopper population, 20 gpa carrier [T6]

1992-05-18 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcasted 0.5 pt/a (1 l/ha) Sencor(pre-emergence) 4L, 2.5 pt/a (3 l/ha) Dual 8E, 20 gpa carrier [T1]

1992-05-20 Fertilizer Application Broadcasted 0.5 pt/a (1 l/ha) Sencor pre-emergence) 4L, 2.5 pt/a (3 l/ha) Dual 8E, 20 gpa carrier [T2]

1992-08-11 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcasted 2 qt/a (5 l/ha) Roundup, 20 gpa, used to control quackgrass problem [T3]

1993-06-03 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcasted 3.5 pt/a (4 l/ha) Marksman, (post-emergence) 2/3 oz/a (0.05 l/ha) Accent, NIS, 20 gpa carrier [T1,T2]

1993-10-05 Fertilizer Application Broadcasted 2 qt/a (5 l/ha) Roundup, 1 qt/a (2 l/ha) 2,4-D Amine, 10 gpa carrier [T6]

1994-05-13 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcasted 2 qt/a (5 l/ha) Roundup, 20 gpa carrier; reps 2, 3, 4, 5 only [T2]

1994-05-20 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcasted 2.5 pt/a (pre-emergence) (3 l/ha) Broadstrike + Dual, 20 gpa carrier; reps 3, 4, 5, 6 only [T1]

1994-05-23 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcasted 2.5 pt/a (3 l/ha) (pre-emergence) Broadstrike + Dual, 20 gpa carrier [T2]

1994-06-09 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcasted 10” (25 cm) bands, (post-emergence) 0.25 oz/a (0.02 l/ha) Pinnacle, 9 oz/a (0.66 l/ha) Assure II, 2 qt/a (5 l/ha) 28%, 1 pt/a (1 l/ha) NIS, 6.4 gpa carrier [T3]

1994-06-16 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcasted (10 gpa) 1 qt/a (2 l/ha) Poast Plus and 1 qt/a (2 l/ha) crop oil,10 gpa carrier [T6]

1994-07-29 Insecticide Application Broadcasted 0.5 pt/a (0.6 l/ha) Dimate 4E, 7 gpa carrier, due to leafhopper population above economic threshold [T6]

1995-06-02 Fertilizer Application (first entry) Broadcasted 170 lb K/a (52 kg K/ha) K2O (0-0-60); rep 5 only; broadcasted 240 lb K/a (74 kg K/ha) K2O (0-0-60); rep 6 only; [T6]

1995-06-02 Fertilizer Application (second entry) Broadcasted 170 lb K/a (52 kg K/ha) K2O (0-0-60); rep 5 only; broadcasted 240 lb K/a (74 kg K/ha) K2O (0-0-60); rep 6 only; [T6]

1999-05-19 Mechanical Weed Control Pre-emerge herbicide application broadcast weed control. Rates: Broadstrike + Dual @ 2 pt/acre (191.6 L / ha) and Dual II Magnum 60 ml/acre (24.3 ml / ha) (spiked for increased grass control) [T2]

1989-05-16 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcasted 1 pt/a (1 l/ha) Atrazine (pre-emergence) 4L, 1 qt/a (2 l/ha) Bladex 4L, 20 gpa; reps 1-5 only [T1, R1-5] {{PL:...1.0quarts/A Dual 8E...Note: During the spraying of plot number 3-1 one of the non-herbicide plots in the Wee's microplot section was sprayed by mistake. If you need information on how this will be handled, cntact Kay Gross.}}

1989-05-16 Soil Preparation {{PL: Sprayed all 8 No-till plots (Rotation/Crop #5A & 5B) with 2 quarts/acre Roundup and 20 gallons/acre water. This was done to kill the rye cover crop. 5A will be planted to corn and 5B will be planted to soybeans. Moldboard plowed all but two of the appropriate corn and soybean plots on the Rotation Study today. This included Rotation/Crop plot #'s 1B, 2B, 2C, 3C. Plots 1B and 3C should have been ridge-tilled last season but weren't. It is therefore necessary to plow these this spring and ridges will be established this year. Only plots 2C and 3C in Rep 3 were not plowed today. We ran out of time.}}

1996-05-23 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: (entry 1) Sprayed TRT1 and 2 Wheat Plots in Rotation Entry Point Study at 1 pt/A 2,4-D amine. Also sprayed alleyways around REP to control broadleaf weeds and to rinse out sprayer. Used Glenco cultivator and Case (dairies 885 w/FWA) to cultivate Soybean TRT 1,3,4.}}

1996-06-14 Fertilizer Application Based on fall 1995 soil tests, Lime was broadcast after first cutting was chopped. Fertilizer included pelleted Lime at 1 ton Lime Equivalent/acre (0.907) Mg Lime Equivalent/ha. Replicates 1-6 [T6] {{PL: (entry 2) Gary Bashore tried wicking Roundup onto the TRT 3, Rep Six plots. Wouldn't work. Had him spread 1 Ton of Lime/A onto the Alfalfa TRT 6 Main Site Plots using Climax Farm B. with 10,000 lb lime and also spread lime onto Danial Rasse's Alfalfa plot in the Lysimiter Field at 1 t/a as pelleted lime. therefore 33% of a ton pelleted lime / a. Alfalfa Main Site Plots were greening up quickly and wheel marks were noticible at time of application caused by the weight of the tractor and spreader.}}

1996-06-26 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: (entry 3)Banded 1/2 pt buctril Gel to 1-4 and 6. Also sprayed trt 1 and 2 rep corn with buctril gel and accent and nis at 1/2 pt and 2/3 oz and 4% V/V. Sprayed trt 3 rep and Gene Transfer Border area with Pinnicle and Assure 11 and nis... 1/4 oz and 9 oz and 4% v/v per acre.}}

1996-06-26 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: (entry 2)Banded 1/2 pt buctril Gel to 1-4 and 6. Also sprayed trt 1 and 2 rep corn with buctril gel and accent and nis at 1/2 pt and 2/3 oz and 4% V/V. Sprayed trt 3 rep and Gene Transfer Border area with Pinnicle and Assure 11 and nis... 1/4 oz and 9 oz and 4% v/v per acre.}}

1996-07-12 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: Spray Rep 1, TRT 5. Weed Free plots. Got too windy to continue with other plots.}}

1996-07-12 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: Finished spraying Reps 2-6. Weed Free Plots (Carolyn Millers plots).}}

1996-07-10 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: Sprayed TRT 5 (Poplars) Replicate 1 in the weed free areas of this treatment with 2% Roundup Solution. Carolyns is OK. Kevins needs to be ediscussed again before any more spraying can be done.}}

1996-07-09 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: (entry 1) Sprayed Roundup Ready Soybeans in the Roundup Study West of the Gene Transfer Plots. Sprayed Roundup Ultra at 30 oz / A. Sprayed Rotation Entry Point TRT 1 and 2 Soybeans with 1/4 oz Pinnacle, 7 oz/A Assure II, and NIS at 4% V/V. Spot sprayed some grassy areas in the Lysimeter field with Poast at 1 quart/A.}}

1996-06-14 Mechanical Weed Control Post-emergence herbicide application broadcast sprayed when grasses and broadleaf weeds were about three inches tall. Tank mixed: Buctril Gel Accent NIS 0.5 pt/acre (0.6 L/ha) 2/3 oz/acre (0.02 L/ha) 1/4% v/v with 20 gpa (187 L/ha) carrier [T2]

1996-07-15 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: (entry 1) I sprayed a 2% v/v Roundup Ultra Mix in Kevin Kosola plots to eliminate weed population in the weed free area. Rep 1-6 TRT 5 . Rotation Entry Point Study TRT 3 Soybeans were Row Crop Cultivated with the red cultivator.}}

1994-05-14 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcasted 2 qt/a (5 l/ha) Roundup, 20 gpa carrier; reps 1, 6 only [T2]. Sprayed roundup on the no-till plots of the vetch management study with above mix. Sprayed rotation study trmt 2c and 5b for all reps.

1994-05-20 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcasted 2.5 pt/a (pre-emergence) (3 l/ha) Broadstrike + Dual, 20 gpa carrier; reps 3, 4, 5, 6 only [T1] {{PL: may 20, not 19)

1993-04-23 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: <Action>Rotation Study; Today we sprayed selected treatments of the Rotation Study to control quackgrass. Rate was 2 qts/acre in 20 gallons water. The following treatments were sprayed: 1A, 1C, 2C, 3A, 3C, 3D, 3E, 4A, 4B, & 5A}}

1993-05-21 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: <Action>2,4-D; Sprayed Dual (1.5 pints/a), Bladex (1.4 qts/a), and Atrazine (.5 pints/a) on corn that surrounds the study. }}

1993-06-10 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: <Action>Vetch Management; Sprayed entire study with ¾ qt/A Basagran, ¾ qt/A Atrazine, and 1 qt/A crop oil. All reps and treatments were broadcast sprayed. }}

1993-05-01 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: <Action>No-till; Sprayed treatment 2 in Rep 1 with 2 qt/a Roundup. Wind picked up so quit for the day. This was the only plot sprayed, still need to spray reps 2-6. }}

1989-06-14 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: Sprayed Dana Barclay's No-till plots today with .5 pints/acre Banvel plus X-77 Spreader in the hopes of controlling the Hairy Vetch. It is still growing vigorously in many plots. Contact Dana for details on this problem.}}

1994-05-21 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: Sprayed Lysimeter field with Accent broadcast 2/3 oz/a in a 20 gpa carrier. Also used 2 qt/a NIS. Quackgrass was pretty heavy. }}

1994-05-23 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: Sprayed LTER main site treatment 2 for all reps with 2.5 pt/a Broadstrike + Dual with 20 gpa carrier. Sprayed entry point treatment 4 same as above. }}

1994-06-09 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: Sprayed LTER main site treatment 3 with 10” bands. Rate was ¼ oz/a Pinnacle, 9 oz/a Assure II, 2 qt/a 28%, and 1 pt/a NIS in a 6.4 gpa carrier. All reps were sprayed. }}

1994-10-03 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: Sprayed Lysimter field broadcast with 2 qt/a Roundup in a 10 gpa carrier. Also mixed in 1 qt/a 2,4-D Amine for extra control. }}

1988-05-19 Mechanical Weed Control Glen Harris and Dana Barclay sprayed the appropriate plots of Dana's new Hairy Vetch Mgt study in the Ancillary site to kill the alfalfa. (Hesterman's students) 1.25 quarts/acre 2,4-D Ester; 25 gallons/acre water.

1988-05-19 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: Jim B. also sprayed the one group of plots in the Rotation study that required it. These plots are to have no-till soybeans and the alfalfa was killed as follows: 1.25 quarts/acre 2,4-D Ester; 25 gallons/acre water. }}

1996-05-22 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: (entry 2) Rotary Hoed TRT 3 and 4 Main Site across all six replicates. Sprayed Broadstrike/Dual at 1.75 pt/A to: a)Low input soybeans, b) Gene Transfer East and West border soybeans and c) Rotation Entry Point Study TRT 1 and 2 Soybean plots.}}

1996-06-11 Mechanical Weed Control Broadcast sprayed Accent at 2/3 oz/acre (0.02 L/ha) and NIS (4% v/v) across all six replicates [T3] {{PL: 20 gpa carrier.}}

1996-06-13 Soil Preparation {{PL: (entry 1) Sprayed TRT 3 Main Site Corn Plots with 2/3 oz Accent/A and 1/4% NIS. Cultivated TRT 4 Main Site Corn Plots for reps 1-5 and west half of TRT 6. Rain Stopped cultivation in the middle of replicate 6, TRT 4. Rained hard for about 15 minutes.}}

1996-06-14 Mechanical Weed Control {{PL: (entry 1) Sprayed MS TRT 1 and 2 Corn Plots broadcast application using 1/2 pt Buctril Gel, 2/3 oz Accent and 1/4% Non Ionic Surfactant (Activator 90). Mixed for 4 Acres/ loading. Sprayed at 20 gal/ A carrier. Added 1 packet of Accent, 946 mls (1 quart Buctril Gel), and 750 mls of Activator 90 (NIS), agitated well and sprayed 4 acres/ Fill. Sprayed Vetch Management Area with same Mixture (Two Southern Blocks), got Dark.}}

1991-06-15 Fertilizer Application Broadcasted ammonium nitrate at 110 lbs N/a (123 kg N/ha) [T1]

1991-06-17 Fertilizer Application Broadcasted ammonium nitrate at 110 lbs N/a (123 kg N/ha) [T2]

1991-07-18 Fertilizer Application Broadcasted replanted corn with ammonium nitrate at 110 lbs N/a (123 kg N/ha); [T1 R1,5; T2 R1,2]

1989-06-29 Fertilizer Application Broadcasted ammonium nitrate at 110 lbs N/a (123 kg N/ha) [T5] Broadcasted ammonium nitrate at 110 lbs N/a (123 kg N/ha) [T2]

1993-07-01 Fertilizer Application Broadcasted ammonium nitrate at 75 lbs N/a (84 kg N/ha) [T1, T2] {{PL: <Action>Main site; Finished fertilizing treatment 1 on main site (reps 3-6) and fertilized treatment 2 for all reps at 75 lbs N/a. Total amount of fertilizer applied per rep was 58 bags (50 lbs per bag), setting on Gandy was 62. }}

1993-04-27 Fertilizer Application Broadcasted K2O (0-0-60) 150 lbs K/a (168 kg K/ha); rep 6 only [T1, T2, T3]

2022-07-18 Herbicide Application Applied 8 oz per Acre Quinclorac plus 2 pint/A methylated seed oil(adjuvant) to control grass weeds in new planting of Cedar Creek (treatment 3)