Name: soil finisher --type unknown

2002-05-15 Soil Preparation Soil finished all replications of treatments 3 and 4 on the main site. The soil finisher was set at a working depth of 4 inches.

2003-05-29 Soil Preparation Todd Martin soil finished the N-rate studies. Because of a problem with the corn planter at planting time in the non-irrigated N-rate study had a low population of corn. We decided to retill the plot area and replant both studies.

2003-05-26 Soil Preparation Soil finished (twice) all corn plots in the Biodiveristy study.

2001-04-27 Soil Preparation Soil finished the N rate study. I would have used the Dairy's Glencoe soil finisher. I would have used the JD 7600 tractor from the FSC or the JD 7810 tractor from the Dairy.

2000-05-25 Soil Preparation Soil finished treatment 1, all replications. John Stephenson soil finished. Not sure which tractor was used. Not sure what equipment was used. Not sure if we used the 12' Glencoe Field cultivator or the 15' soil finisher that belongs to the KBS Dairy. Depending on which field equipment was used would have made a difference in what tractor was used. Because the notes stated that the plots were soil finished it makes me think that the Dairy's soil finisher was used.

2000-05-26 Soil Preparation Soil finished T3 and T4, all replications. See notes below for specific dates that plots were soil finished. John Stephenson soil finished. May 25, 2000 soil finished T3, reps: 2, 4, and 5; May 25, 2000 soil finished T4, reps: 2, 3, 5. May 26, 2000 soil finished T3 and T4 (I assume John just finished the other reps that was not finished on May 25, 2000). Not sure what equipment was used. Not sure if we used the 12' Glencoe Field cultivator or the 15' soil finisher that belongs to the KBS Dairy. Depending on which field tool we used would have made a difference in what tractor was used. Because the notes stated that the plots were soil finished it makes me think that the Dairy's soil finisher was used. We could not have field cultivated all reps with the 12' field cultivator.

2000-06-07 Soil Preparation Soil finished treatment 3 and 4, all replications. John Stephenson soil finished. Not sure what equipment was used. Not sure if we used the 12' Glencoe Field cultivator or the 15' soil finisher that belongs to the KBS Dairy. Depending on which field tool we used would have made a difference in what tractor was used. Because the notes stated that the plots were soil finished it makes me think that the Dairy's soil finisher was used. Most likely used the FSC's JD 7600 tractor to soil finish. We could not have field cultivated all reps with the 12' field cultivator.

1994-10-18 Soil Preparation Soil finished [T3]

1994-10-25 Soil Preparation Soil finished; reps 1, 2, 3, 6 only [T4]

1994-10-27 Soil Preparation Soil finished; reps 4, 5 only [T4]

1993-10-13 Soil Preparation Soil finished [T1]

2003-08-15 Soil Preparation Soil finished, twice, treatment B21 in the biodiversity study.

2002-11-08 Soil Preparation (second entry) Bob Adams mowed the corn stalks in the N-rate #1 and N-rate #2 studies. Bob also mowed all the corn stalks and the spring (B2) and fall (B1) fallow plots in the biodiversity study. I chisel plowed and soil finished treatment B1 (fall fallow) in the biodiversity study. I mowed the corn stalks in the ECB study. When mowing the corn stalks in the ECB study I mowed each plot so that the litter/residue would remain within each individual plot boundary.

2000-05-23 Soil Preparation Field cultivated the Nitrogen Rate Study, all replications. Not sure what equipment was used. Not sure if we used the 12' Glencoe Field cultivator or the 15' soil finisher that belongs to the KBS Dairy. Depending on which field equipment we used would have made a difference in what tractor was used. Because the notes stated that the plots were field cultivated it makes me think that the 12' Glencoe Field cultivator was used.

2000-05-24 Soil Preparation Soil finished the 2,4-D and Entomology studies. Not sure what equipment was used. Not sure if we used the 12' Glencoe Field cultivator or the 15' soil finisher that belongs to the KBS Dairy. Depending on which field tool we used would have made a difference in what tractor was used. Because the notes stated that the plots were soil finished it makes me think that the Dairy's soil finisher was used.

2000-05-15 Soil Preparation Field cultivated Bio-complexity study (2 times). Not sure what equipment was used. Not sure if we used the 12' Glencoe Field cultivator or the 15' soil finisher that belongs to the KBS Dairy. Depending on which field tool we used would have made a difference in what tractor was used.

1988-05-13 Soil Preparation Matt Pixley (Dairy) began to soil-finish the main site today. He was able to complete the eastern third of the site. }}

2001-04-27 Soil Preparation Field cultivated the micro-plots in treatment 7, all replications, reps: 2, 4, 3, 5, 1, and 6. The field cultivator was a 12 ft Glenco with 4” sweep shovels and a spike tooth harrow. I went over each plot 2 times.

2001-05-04 Soil Preparation In the Biodiversity Study all replications of all spring tillage treatments were soil finished and cultimultched. Soil finished and cultimultched all replications of all treatments of the Nitrogen Rate Study. Areas for the European Corn Borer Study and 2,4-D Study was cultimultched, these studies area were not soil finished.

2000-05-22 Soil Preparation Field cultivated the Nitrogen Rate Study, replications 1,2, & 3 only. It started to rain before we could complete rep 4. Not sure what equipment was used. Not sure if we used the 12' Glencoe Field cultivator or the 15' soil finisher that belongs to the KBS Dairy. Depending on which field equipment we used would have made a difference in what tractor was used. Because the notes stated that the plots were field cultivated it makes me think that the 12' Glencoe Field cultivator was used.

2000-11-03 Soil Preparation Chisel plowed and soil finished treatment 1 in the Bio-complexity study. Not sure which tractor and which soil finisher was used. Not sure what equipment was used. Not sure if we used the 12' Glencoe Field cultivator or the 15' soil finisher that belongs to the KBS Dairy. Depending on which field tool we used would have made a difference in what tractor was used. Because the notes stated that the plots were soil finished it makes me think that the Dairy's soil finisher was used. This plots are small so we could have used the 12' field cultivator.

2000-10-20 Soil Preparation Soil finished T1, all replications. See notes below for specific dates that plots were soil finished. October 20, 2000 soil finished T1, reps: 1, 5, 4, 2,and 3; October 23, 2000 John Stephenson soil finished T1, rep 6. Not sure what equipment was used. Not sure if we used the 12' Glencoe Field cultivator or the 15' soil finisher that belongs to the KBS Dairy. Depending on which field tool we used would have made a difference in what tractor was used. Because the notes stated that the plots were soil finished it makes me think that the Dairy's soil finisher was used. We could not have field cultivated all reps in one day with the 12' field cultivator.

2000-10-30 Soil Preparation Soil finished T3 and T4, all replications. See notes below for specific dates that plots were soil finished. October 23, 2000 soil finished T3, rep: 6; T4 reps: 4 and 6; October 30, 2000 soil finished T3, reps: 1, 2, and 3; T4 reps: 1, 2, and 3; October 31, 2000 soil finished T3, reps: 4 and 5; T4 rep: 5. Not sure what equipment was used. Not sure if we used the 12' Glencoe Field cultivator or the 15' soil finisher that belongs to the KBS Dairy. Depending on which field tool we used would have made a difference in what tractor was used. Because the notes stated that the plots were soil finished it makes me think that the Dairy's soil finisher was used. We could not have field cultivated all reps in one day with the 12' field cultivator.

2000-11-02 Soil Preparation Soil finished (twice) in the Bio-complexity study, treatments B4, B7, B10, B17, and B20. Not sure which tractor and which soil finisher was used. Not sure what equipment was used. Not sure if we used the 12' Glencoe Field cultivator or the 15' soil finisher that belongs to the KBS Dairy. Depending on which field tool we used would have made a difference in what tractor was used. Because the notes stated that the plots were soil finished it makes me think that the Dairy's soil finisher was used. This plots are small so we could have used the 12' field cultivator.

2022-05-11 Soil Preparation Soil finished BAU1 fields with sunflower soil finisher. Went over BAU1F2 twice, but only once on BAU1F1.