Name: John Deere 450 conventional 10' drill

2003-10-10 Planting Planted winter wheat, Pioneer 25R37, on the main site treatment 1 replications 1 and 5. Planted with the JD 5400 tractor and JD 450 conventional 10' drill. Planting depth was 1 inch.

2003-10-11 Planting Planted winter wheat, Pioneer 25R37, on the main site treatment 1 replications 4, 3, 6, and 2. Planted with the JD 5400 tractor and JD 450 conventional 10' drill. Planting depth was 1 inch.

2003-10-11 Planting Planted winter wheat, Pioneer 25R37 untreated seed, on the main site treatment 4 replications 6, 1, 2, 3, and 4. To keep organic certification on treatment 4 we ordered and planted untreated seed. Planted with the JD 5220 tractor and JD 450 conventional 10' drill. Planting depth was 1 inch.

2003-10-13 Planting Planted winter wheat, Pioneer 25R37 untreated seed, on the main site treatment 4 replication 5. To keep organic certification on treatment 4 we ordered and planted untreated seed. Planted with the JD 5220 tractor and JD 450 conventional 10' drill. Planting depth was 1 inch.

2003-10-13 Planting Planted winter wheat, Pioneer 25R37,on the main site treatment 3 replications 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Planted with the JD 5220 tractor and JD 450 conventional 10' drill. Planting depth was 1 inch.

1997-10-22 Planting Planted Pioneer 2552 Hard Red Winter wheat at 2.5 Bu/A using JD drill (7.5” spacing) [T2]

2007-11-04 Planting Planted Pioneer 25R37 Soft Red Winter Wheat into Biodiversity Study treatments B3, B6, B9, B14, B17, and B20. Planted with JD 5400 tractor and JD 450 drill. Drill setting 41. The drill meter (counter) indicated that 1.8 acres were planted. Eight 50 pound bags were used. When finished 70 pounds of seed was removed from the drill. Seeding rate: 330 pounds of seed used/1.8 acres = 183 lbs seeds/A, each pound of seed contained 10,000 seeds, therefore 183 lbs/A x 10,000 seeds/lbs = 1,833,000 seeds/A. Treatments B3, B6, B9, B14, B17, and B20 will have winter wheat planted into them in fall of 2007. B3 plots: (111, 203, 306, and 403); B6 plots: (107, 207, 317, and 406); B9 plots: (119, 205, 314 and 409); B14 plots: (115, 204, 304, and 414); B17 plots: (116, 211, 302, and 417); B20 plots: (120, 215, 318, and 420).

2008-05-30 Planting Planted Dekalb DKL 52-10 RR spring canola in all reps of G4. Planted with the JD 5425 tractor and JD 450 drill. Planting depth: 0.5 inches. Planting population: 8.7 lbs/A. Row spacing: 7.5 inches.

2009-11-14 Planting Planted LTER main site treatment T4 replications 1, 2, 4, and 5 with Pioneer 25R47 Soft Red Winter Wheat, untreated seed. Planted with JD 5425 tractor and JD 450 conventional drill. Depth was set to approximately 1/2” to 3/4”. Seeding rate was calculated as 181 lbs/A compared to the calibration which was estimated at 178 lbs/A. Each pound of seed contained 11,000 seeds, therefore 178 lbs/A x 11,000 seeds/lbs = 1,958,000 seeds/A.

2009-11-13 Planting Planted LTER main site treatment T4 replications 1, 2, 4, and 5 with Pioneer 25R47 Soft Red Winter Wheat, untreated seed. Planted with JD 5425 tractor and JD 450 conventional drill. Depth was set to approximately 1/2” to 3/4”. Seeding rate was calculated as 181 lbs/A compared to the calibration which was estimated at 178 lbs/A. Each pound of seed contained 11,000 seeds, therefore 178 lbs/A x 11,000 seeds/lbs = 1,958,000 seeds/A.

2010-10-13 Planting Planted winter wheat in the LTER Main Site Biodiversity Study. Wheat was a soft red winter wheat, Pioneer 25R47, treated seed. The following treatments were planted: B3 (111, 203, 306, 403), B6 (107, 207, 317, 406), B9 (119, 205, 314, 409), B17 (116, 211, 302, 417) and B20 (120, 215, 318, 420). Seed was planted with the JD450 conventional drill at a depth of 1/2” to 3/4”. Seeding rate was 1,690,000 seeds per acre (setting #36 on the drill). All plots were planted in three passes, one on either side and then a last pass down the middle.

2011-11-07 Planting Seeded Soft Red Winter Wheat into Biodiversity treatments B8 (118, 214, 310, and 408), B5 (114, 217, 312, 405), B11 (110, 216, 309, 411), B14 (115, 204, 304, and 414), B17 (116, 211, 302, 417), and B20 (120, 215, 318, 420). 1.9A total seeded with 310 lbs of seed (163 lbs/A, 182 kg/Ha). Variety planted was Pioneer 25R47 (treated seed) which had 12,000 seeds/lb so this worked out to a seeding rate of 1,960,000 seeds/A. Our goal was 2,000,000 seeds/A. Seeded with the JD5425 tractor and the JD450 conventional drill.

2008-06-19 Soil Preparation Soil finished all alleyway areas in the GLBRC intensive site on June 19, 2008. On June 20, 2008 Mark Klok planted oats in all the GLBRC intensive alleyway areas.

2013-11-16 Planting Seeded Soft Red Winter Wheat (Pioneer 25R39) into Biodiversity treatments B3 (111, 203, 306, 403), B6 (107, 207, 317, 406), B9 (119, 205, 314, 409), B14 (115, 204, 304, 414), B17 (116, 211, 302, 417), B20 (120, 215, 318, 420). Drill setting was set at 44. There was 500 lbs loaded into the drill at the beginning of planting and after planting 2 acres there was 167 lbs left in the drill. This works out to a seeding rate of 166.5 lbs/A or 1,831,500 seeds/A.

2006-11-10 Planting Planted winter wheat, Pioneer 25R37 untreated seed, on the main site treatment 4, all replications. Planted with the JD 5220 tractor and JD 450 conventional 10' drill. Planting depth was 1 inch.

2006-11-09 Planting Planted winter wheat, Pioneer 25R37 treated seed, on the main site treatment 3, all replications. Planted with the JD 5220 tractor and JD 450 conventional 10' drill. Planting depth was 1 inch.

2001-10-02 Planting Planted grass in the Biodiversity study alleyways. After planting the grass I used the JD cultimutcher (with the teeth just touching the soil) on the alleyways. I am sure I used the JD 5400 tractor and JD 450 10' drill to seed the grass.

2006-11-09 Planting Planted winter wheat, Pioneer 25R37 treated seed, in the Biodiversity study. Planted with the JD 5220 tractor and JD 450 conventional 10' drill. Planting depth was 1 inch.

2021-05-27 Soil Preparation soil finished and planted sorghum Sudan in field B2-east and C2 of the FSC. Cleaned equipment before entering fields.

2021-08-20 Soil Preparation Soil finish north end extra field and plant a blend of organic cover crop seed.

2021-10-28 Planting Plant winter barley management in passes going east/west. From north to south: 20' Calypso, 20' Teepee, 20' Flavia, and 30' Puffin.

2021-11-09 Planting Drill whale wheat at 155 lbs. per acre.

2022-04-15 Soil Preparation Disk north portion of field and plant Reins oats at 80 lbs./acre.

2022-10-10 Soil Preparation Soil finish field south of the barley trial and plant Flavia barley at 105 lbs. per acre and 1.25 inches deep.

2022-10-21 Soil Preparation Disk fields twice. plant wheat trial in C2 with great plains drill / cone seeder. Fill in rest on fields with whale wheat at 155 lbs./acre. equipment was clean before use.

2023-05-12 Planting Soybean Planting Equipment trial. Plant soybeans at 130k on 30" rows and 15" rows (5/11). Drill on 7.5" rows as 130k (5/11). Broadcast with shallow incorporation at 130k and 160k seeds per acre (5/12).

2023-08-22 Planting Plant cover crop. 50lbs field pea, 2lbs camelina, 2lbs forage collards per acre.

2023-11-20 Soil Preparation Disk fields twice and plant MCIA 357 wheat at 100 lbs./acre. 15826 seeds per lb. Disk can drill were clean.

2024-09-04 Planting Plant canola variety trial. Fill in with Plurax CL. Seeding depth was 0.75". Chuck drove the tractor and Josh loaded packet into the cone seeder.