Name: Gandy Orbit Air with Ag Leader rate controller

2021-04-13 Fertilizer Application Applied 75 lbs/Acre of Potash (0-0-62), equating to 46.5 lbs Potassium/A. Used Gandy Orbit air broadcast spreader to spread across both the switchgrass and the miscanthus.

2021-04-20 Fertilizer Application Applied 36 Lbs/Acre 0-0-62 fertilizer to G4 and G5 for 22.5 lbs/A potassium.

2021-05-14 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader.

2021-05-13 Fertilizer Application Sprayed fertilizer in the GLBRC Main Site Treatments G5, G6, G7, and G9, all replications. All treatments were fertilized with 50 lbs N/A applied as 28% N fertilizer. 28% fertilizer weighs 10.67 lbs /gallon so the 50 lbs N/A worked out to 17 gal 28%/A. Each treatment plot was divided into two areas, an unfertilzed microplot area 15' wide located on the west side of all the plots and the fertilized area which was the remaining 76.86' on the east side of the plot. The unfertilized 15' microplot received NO fertilizer. The fertilized 76.86' was fertilized at 50 lbs N/A applied in 2 passes of the sprayer. Treatment G10 was fertilized on only 15' on west side of plot. Conditions: see application record. Equipment Used: John Deere 6140R tractor with a three point mounted Top Air sprayer equipped with a hydraulic centrifugal sprayer pump and Ag Leader Rate Controller. StreamJet SJ7A-2 Fertilizer Spray Nozzles(0.2 gpm) were used, spaced 20 inches apart with a total boom length of 45 feet. Purpose of Application: Supply nitrogen to the treatment plots.

2021-05-25 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader with agleader rate controller.

2021-05-25 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader with AgLeader rate controller.

2021-05-26 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader with AgLeader rate controller. >>>Mistakenly applied to both sides of G9r4

2021-05-27 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader with AgLeader rate controller.

2021-04-14 Fertilizer Application Applied Potash to new switchgrass variety trial. 49 pounds per acre potash for 30 lbs/A K.

2021-05-14 Fertilizer Application Applied 114 pounds per acre ESN (urea) to switchgrass variety trial (50 lbs/A Nitrogen)

2022-05-23 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen on treatments G5, G6, G7, G9, G10, G11. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader.

2022-05-24 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen on treatments G5, G6, G7, G9, G10, G11. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader.

2022-05-24 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen on treatments G5, G6, G7, G9, G10, G11. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader.

2022-05-25 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen on treatments G5, G6, G7, G9, G10, G11. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader.

2022-05-19 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen on treatments G5, G6, G7, G9, G10, G11. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader.

2023-05-22 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen on treatments G5, G6, G7, G9, G10, G11. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader.

2023-05-26 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen on treatments G5, G6, G7, G9, G10, G11. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. NOTE: fertilizer was applied to part of zero N side of G7R4. See map.

2023-05-30 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen on treatments G5, G6, G7, G9, G10, G11. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader.

2023-05-31 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen on treatments G5, G6, G7, G9, G10, G11. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader.

2023-05-31 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen on treatments G5, G6, G7, G9, G10, G11. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader.

2023-12-19 Planting Broadcast seeded with Gandy orbit air seeder(black metering wheels) with Ag Leader controller and John Deere 6140R tractor. Used dead annual ryegrass(heated to 275 F for 4 hours) as carrier due to seeding rates. Did not seed at rate that accounted for pure live seed, used actual weights. Decided to leave at that rate instead of seeding a small additional amount of seed to the plots. Amount of seed used very close to what was expected to use.

2024-05-13 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen on treatments G5, G6, G7, G9, G10, G11. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader.

2024-05-14 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen on treatments G5, G6, G7, G9, G10, G11. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader.

2024-05-29 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen on treatments G5, G6, G7, G9, G10, G11. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader.

2024-05-29 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen on treatments G5, G6, G7, G9, G10, G11. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader.

2024-05-30 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen on treatments G5, G6, G7, G9, G10, G11. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader.