Name: Fast Sprayer

2022-03-10 Fertilizer Application Wheat top dress with steam bar nozzles. 28F-34F wind out of the west at 5 mph.

2021-04-10 Herbicide Application Sprayed volunteer wheat that was getting to big to soil finish. 45F-60F wind 5-10 out of the SE.

2021-06-01 Herbicide Application Post emergent corn herbicide applied broadcast to v4 corn. With Deere 6155m and 90 foot fast sprayer with xr11004 nozzles on 20 inch spacing. Weather conditions- 74.9 F, 4.5 MPH out of the SW, and 32.9% humidity. Degree Xtra rate was reduced by 8 oz / acre due to high temp. 15 gallons per acre of finished solution was the spray rate.

2021-06-02 Herbicide Application Post emergent corn herbicide applied broadcast to v4 corn. With Deere 6155m and 90 foot fast sprayer with xr11004 nozzles on 20 inch spacing. Weather conditions- 74.9 F, 8.5 MPH out of the SE, and 48.9% humidity. Degree Xtra rate was reduced by 8 oz / acre due to high temp. 15 gallons per acre of finished solution was the spray rate.

2021-06-02 Herbicide Application Post emergent corn herbicide applied broadcast to v4 corn. With Deere 6155m and 90 foot fast sprayer with xr11004 nozzles on 20 inch spacing. Weather conditions- 75.4 F, 8.5 MPH out of the SE, and 42.5% humidity. Degree Xtra rate was reduced by 8 oz / acre due to high temp. 15 gallons per acre of finished solution was the spray rate.

2021-06-03 Herbicide Application Post emergent corn herbicide applied broadcast to v4 corn. With Deere 6155m and 90 foot fast sprayer with xr11004 nozzles on 20 inch spacing. Weather conditions- 71.2 F, 4 MPH out of the W, and 62% humidity. Degree Xtra rate was reduced by 8 oz / acre due to high temp. 15 gallons per acre of finished solution was the spray rate. Cleaned sprayer out with 3x rinse to spray pre emergent on forage sorghum.

2021-06-03 Herbicide Application Pre emergent sorghum herbicide applied broadcast to soil. With Deere 6155m and 90 foot fast sprayer with xr11004 nozzles on 20 inch spacing. Weather conditions- 74.9 F, 4.5 MPH out of the SW, and 32.9% humidity. 15 gallons per acre of finished solution was the spray rate. " Dual 2 mag was pulled out of tank mix because regular dual was sent down by mistake. I was concerned not having a corn safener would be a problem for the sorghum. Major grass weed escapes happened on field 5 in future make sure we have dual 2 mag on hand for sorghum spraying."3x rinsed sprayer to switch over to side dressing corn

2023-03-28 Fertilizer Application Applied UAN 28% with fast sprayer and Deere 6155m. Used Chafer stream bars with #1 orfice. Soil was soft under 1/2" of frost temp was 28 F with a NW 2 mph wind. 15 GPA of UAN was the applied rate.

2023-03-28 Fertilizer Application Applied UAN 28% with fast sprayer and Deere 6155m. Used Chafer stream bars with #1 orfice. Soil was soft under 1/2" of frost temp was 28 F with a NW 2 mph wind. 27-2-3 rate was 35 gallons per acre, 27-3-1 rate was 20 gallons per acre (credit from 5000 gallons/acre of dairy manure spread on 1/15/23) 27-3-2 rate was 32 gallons per acre.

2022-04-28 Fertilizer Application Applied liquid fertilizer to the crops in the LTAR ACSE Aspirational System. Used sprayer with streamer bars to apply to soil surface.

2023-04-15 Herbicide Application Sprayed Canola with Beyond to manage weeds. REI on Beyond is 4 hours, canola was at growth stage 3.

2023-04-14 Fertilizer Application UAN app on commercial wheat. 15 gal of 28% and 10 gal of water was the rate.

2023-04-20 Herbicide Application Sprayed PGR on commercial wheat.

2023-04-20 Fungicide Application Sprayed Glyphosate and Headline on RR alfalfa.

2023-04-19 Fertilizer Application Applied UAN and ATS to triticale and barley with fast sprayer.

2023-04-27 Fertilizer Application VRT streambar nitrogen application of LTAR wheat. Tank mix was .497% uan/ats solution .497% water and .006% borasol 10. The UAN/ATS solution analysis is 26.7-0-0-2.6S with weight of 10.7 lbs per gallon.

2023-04-27 Fertilizer Application Canola nitrogen application with fast sprayer. Tank mix was .497% uan/ats solution .497% water and .006% borasol 10. The UAN/ATS solution analysis is 26.7-0-0-2.6S with weight of 10.7 lbs per gallon

2023-04-27 Fertilizer Application Nitrogen application on KBS commercial wheat.

2023-04-27 Fertilizer Application Barley nitrogen application. 12 acres on LA 61 and 9 acres on Kokx North.

2023-05-15 Herbicide Application Herbicide application to T2 plots (reps 5, 3, 1, 4, 6, 2). Round Up Powermax 3 was applied 40 oz per acre , and Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4 lbs per acre were applied as a burndown, per-emergence. REI 12 hours. Sprayer ran out of product in T2R2 with 2 passes left on West side of plot

2023-05-16 Herbicide Application Herbicide application to Resource Gradient Study and GLBRC G1 Plots, and Bait Crop area. Round Up PowerMAX 3 at 40 oz per acre and Ammonium Sulfate at 3.4 lbs per acre were applied as a burndown. Rate of spray was 20gal/acre on JD rate controller. Weather conditions at 8:15 am: Temperature: 50.9°F Wind Speed: 3.3 mph Wind Direction: Southwest Relative Humidity: 43.5% Weather conditions at 1:15 pm: Temperature: 72.8°F Wind Speed: 8.9 mph Wind Direction: Northwest Relative Humidity: 31.5%

2023-05-08 Herbicide Application Pre-emergent herbicide application.

2023-06-09 Herbicide Application Corn post application.

2024-04-10 Herbicide Application Canola herbicide app

2024-04-08 Herbicide Application Wheat herbicide app

2024-04-09 Herbicide Application wheat herbicide app

2024-04-10 Fertilizer Application canola fertilizer application with chafer stream bars. 15 gallons of 28% and 5 gallons of water was the applied rate.