Name: Demco 3pt, 150 gallon, 30' boom sprayer

2019-05-29 Mechanical Weed Control Preparation for planting poplar trees, broadcast applied 30 gal/A of mix of 2 lb/A a.i. Glyphosate(brand: Cornerstone Plus) with 17 lb/100 gal ammonium sulfate and water (as a carrier).

2019-06-04 Mechanical Weed Control Preparation for planting poplar trees, broadcast applied 30 gal/A of mix of 2 lb/A a.i. Glyphosate(brand: Cornerstone Plus) with 17 lb/100 gal ammonium sulfate and water (as a carrier).

2019-06-06 Mechanical Weed Control Preparation for planting poplar trees, broadcast applied 30 gal/A of mix of 3 lb/A a.i. Glyphosate(brand: Cornerstone Plus) with 17 lb/100 gal ammonium sulfate and water (as a carrier).

2019-05-30 Mechanical Weed Control Applied pre-emergence herbicide to poplar trees with tractor and 30 foot boom sprayer. Sprayed 3 quart per acre Prowl H2O and 5.6 ounce per acre Sceptor 70DG. Applied spray at 30 gal per acre solution.

2019-06-05 Mechanical Weed Control Applied pre-emergence herbicide to poplar trees with tractor and 30 foot boom sprayer. Sprayed 3 quart per acre Prowl H2O and 5.6 ounce per acre Sceptor 70DG. Applied spray at 30 gal per acre solution.

2019-06-19 Mechanical Weed Control Applied broadleaf herbicide Crossbow @ 2 qt/acre with 28 gal/acre solution. Made one pass on west side of plot to get 30 feet, then drove outside the plot to get the other 10 feet.

2022-05-11 Herbicide Application Pre-emergent herbicide application on BAU2 soybeans.

2022-05-11 Herbicide Application Burn down plus residual herbicide on ASP2, IP4, 27-1-2 planting green T2, and clean out on east half of A3-east.

2021-05-21 Fungicide Application Spray Winter Barley Hardiness, Winter Malting Barley Trial, University of Minnesota Winter barley and Barley/Rye Fungicide trail T2 with 13.7 oz. Miravis Ace per acre. Spray Barley/Rye Fungicide trail T1 with 8.2 ox. Prosaro per acre.

2021-05-27 Insecticide Application Oats and Spring barley: Spray cereal leaf beetle.

2021-06-03 Fungicide Application Spray fungicide on the west 30' of the field.

2021-07-01 Herbicide Application Spray weeds in soybeans.

2021-07-21 Herbicide Application Planting Green soy beans: Spray plots to control mares tail. A 20 foot untreated section was left in the plots nest to the center ally.

2021-07-26 Herbicide Application Spray weeds and volunteer wheat.

2021-07-30 Herbicide Application Spray weeds.

2022-05-24 Herbicide Application Spray spring canola to control weeds. The strip in B1 was at 7 oz Stinger per acre.

2021-09-13 Herbicide Application Spray weeds and sudex to prep field for planting canola, wheat, and peas. REI ends 9/14/2021 5:30am.

2021-09-28 Herbicide Application Burn down to prep for planting. REI ends 9/29/2021 4am.

2021-10-22 Planting Spray B1 late planted canola in preparation for planting. Spray LTAR plot 503 in preparation for planting camelina. Plant canola at 4 lbs. per acre.

2022-05-17 Herbicide Application Post plant, pre emerge burn down plush residual for corn. IP1 not planted yet (soybeans).

2022-04-12 Herbicide Application Spring burn down of weeds after plating spring wheat, spring canola, and before plating forage crop.

2022-04-22 Fertilizer Application Fertilize oats in north part of B0 with 30 lbs. N/A. Fertilize west 30' and east 60' of IP3 camilina with 30lbs. N/A.

2022-04-28 Herbicide Application Spray weeds in south part of B1 winter canola. The 15' north of spring canola is an unsprayed check. Spray west 30' of IP3 camilina.

2022-05-05 Herbicide Application Spray weed in A2 wheat around Herbicide/Cover crop trial. Spray weeds in D2 and F2 winter barley and E2 rye.

2022-05-17 Herbicide Application Post plant pre emerge burn down and residual for corn.

2022-05-19 Herbicide Application Weed control in spring wheat with Harmony Extra SG.

2022-05-19 Herbicide Application Weed control in spring barley, oats and spring rye with Huskie.

2022-05-20 Herbicide Application Spray prairie strip around field perimeter to control curly dock before planting.

2022-05-20 Fertilizer Application Apply 28% UAN with 10% ATS to wheat and canola.