Name: Krone Baler (Big Pack 1270 XC Multi-Bale)

2022-05-10 Harvest Mowed and baled corn stover at Marshall Farm corn field (M1). Bales were transported to KBS Dairy, the diary will use the bales for bedding in the cattle barns. On November 24, 2021 baled the headlands and west side, however the baler broke so we could not finish the field. About 10 windrows (12 corn rows) were made November 24, but were not baled. These windrows stayed like this over the winter and were raked twice with rotary rake on 5/10/2022 to dry out underside of windrows. See attached for yields.

2016-11-14 Harvest Baled switchgrass field at Lux Arbor. Baled 1/3 of the field on Saturday November 12, 2016 and harvested the remaining field area on Monday November 14, 2016. 1:00 - 6:00 p.m. baling time. Does not include travel and set up time. Weight was taken from on board load cell on the tale-gate of the Krone baler. Justin Mezo and Ryan Anthony moved and stacked bales with the JD 7420a tractor equipped with a JD loader and bale spears.

2016-11-18 Harvest Baled prairie field at Marshall Farm. Baled 1/4 of the field (26 bales) on Thursday November 17, 2016, harvested the remaining field area on Friday November 18, 2016. 3:20 p.m. - 5:20 p.m. on Thursday November 17, 2016 this was baling time, does not include travel, set-up time, and service/maintenance. Weight was taken from on board load cell on the tale-gate of the Krone baler. Ryan Anthony and Justin Mezo moved and stacked bales with the JD 7420a tractor equipped with a JD loader and bale spears. Matt Pixley drove the semi and trailer hauling bales from Marshall Farm to the MSU KBS Dairy Center (Hay Storage Barn).

2016-11-11 Harvest Baled Prairie Field at Lux Arbor. 1:00 - 6:00 p.m. baling time. Does not include travel and set up time. Weight was taken from on board load cell on the tale-gate of the Krone baler.

2016-11-16 Harvest Baled switchgrass field at Marshall Farm. Baled 1/2 of the field on Wednesday November 16, 2016, harvested the remaining field area on Thursday November 17, 2016. 2:00 - 6:00 p.m. baling time. Does not include travel and set up time. Weight was taken from on board load cell on the tale-gate of the Krone baler. Ryan Anthony and Justin Mezo moved and stacked bales with the JD 7420a tractor equipped with a JD loader and bale spears. Matt Pixley drove the semi and trailer hauling bales from Marshall Farm to the MSU KBS Dairy Center (Hay Storage Barn).

2017-11-29 Harvest Mowed all the prairie in L1 on Wednesday November 29, 2017. Baled all the prairie in L1 on Wednesday November 29, 2017. (105 total bales, total weight = 42.1 tons, average weight per bale = 802 lbs/bale). Started to move the bales from L1 on Wednesday November 29, 2017. Finished moving the bales from L1 on Thursday November 30, 2017.

2017-11-27 Harvest Harvested (mowed) M2 prairie on Monday November 27, 2017. Started Baling M2 prairie on Monday November 27, 2017. Finished baling M2 on Tuesday November 28, 2017. (59 total bales, total weight = 25.0 tons, average weight per bale = 851 lbs/bale). Moved bales from M2 on Tuesday November 28, 2017.

2017-11-28 Harvest Started harvesting (mowing) M3 switchgrass on Monday November 27, 2017. Finished mowing the switchgrass on Tuesday November 28, 2017. Baled M3 switchgrass on Tuesday November 28, 2017. (255 total bales, total weight = 104.0 tons, average weight per bale = 816 lbs/bale). Started to moved bales from M2 on Tuesday November 28, 2017. Finished removing bales from M2 on Wednesday November 29, 2017.

2017-12-01 Harvest Started harvesting (mowing) L2 switchgrass on Thursday November 30, 2017. Finished mowing the switchgrass on Friday December 1, 2017. Baled L2 switchgrass on Friday December 1, 2017. (215 total bales, total weight = 94.0 tons, average weight per bale = 875 lbs/bale). Started to move bales off the L2 field on Friday December 1, 2017. Finished moving bales off L2 on Saturday December 2, 2017.

2019-04-24 Harvest Harvested Prairie and Switchgrass at Lux Arbor. Because of a wet 2018 fall harvest was not completed until spring of 2019. Prairie Field: number of bales and weight: 1. 46 bales, gross wt 73,540 tare wt 37,160, 2. 46 bales, gross wt 72,920 tare wt 37,160, 3. 22 bales gross wt. 54,180 tare wt. 37,160. Switchgrass Field: number of bales and weight: 1. 46 bales, gross wt 72,020 tare wt 37,160, 2. 46 bales, gross wt 73,100 tare wt 37,160, 3. 23 bales gross wt. 55,120 tare wt. 37,160.

2019-04-25 Harvest Harvested Prairie and Switchgrass at Marshall Farm. Because of a wet 2018 fall harvest was not completed until spring of 2019. Harvested the Prairie field and about 25% (the east side) of the switchgrass field on Thursday April 25, 2019. Harvested the remaining switchgrass field on Friday April 26, 2019. All bales were removed from the prairie field on Friday April 26, 2019 all the prairie bales were taken the MSU KBS to be used by the KBS dairy center. All bales were removed from the switchgrass field on Friday April 26, 2019 all the switchgrass bales were taken to Prairie View Dairy Farm (on Parker Rd) or to MSU KBS to be used by the KBS dairy center.

2020-08-21 Harvest Baled the switchgrass from all the T6 plots.

2020-11-06 Harvest Harvested Prairie at Marshall Farm. See attachment for yields

2020-11-05 Harvest Harvested switchgrass at Lux Arbor See attached for yields

2020-11-07 Harvest Harvested switchgrass at Marshall Farm. See attachment for yield

2019-12-05 Harvest Harvested Switchgrass at Lux Arbor. Switchgrass Field: Loads we recorded number of bales and weight: 1. 30 bales, gross wt. 49,200, tare wt. 19,480, net wt. 29,720 (lbs). 2. 24.25 bales (part of a bale was on top of this load, most likely the first bale of the field), gross wt. 43,900, tare wt. 19,480, net wt. 24,420 (lbs). 3. 24 bales, gross wt. 42,840, tare wt. 19,440, net wt. 23,400 (lbs). 4. 24 bales, gross wt. 42,960, tare wt. 19,440, net wt. 23,520 (lbs). 5. 24 bales, gross wt. 42,400, tare wt. 19,440, net wt. 22,960 (lbs). 6. 22 bales, gross wt. 41,220, tare wt. 19,440, net wt. 21,780 (lbs). Field Total: 148.25 bales, 145,800 (lbs), 72.9 (tons).

2019-12-06 Harvest Harvested Prairie at Lux Arbor. Prairie Field: Loads we recorded number of bales and weight: 1. 24 bales, gross wt. 42,860, tare wt. 19,440, net wt. 23,480 (lbs). 2. 12 bales, gross wt. 31,020, tare wt. 19,400, net wt. 11,620 (lbs). 3. 24 bales, gross wt. 41,720, tare wt. 19,420, net wt. 22,300 (lbs). 4. 20 bales, gross wt. 38,260, tare wt. 19,440, net wt. 18,820 (lbs). 5. 24 bales, gross wt. 41,760, tare wt. 19,440, net wt. 22,320 (lbs). Field Total: 104 bales, 98,480 (lbs), 49.24 (tons).

2019-12-06 Harvest Harvested Switchgrass at Marshall Farm. Switchgrass Field: Loads we recorded number of bales and weight (lbs): 1. 24 bales, gross wt 41,220, tare wt 19,340, net wt. 21,880 (lbs) 2. 29 bales, gross wt 45,740, tare wt 19,360, net wt. 26,380 (lbs) 3. 28 bales gross wt. 44,540 tare wt. 19,320, net wt. 25,220 (lbs). 4. 36 bales, gross wt 70,060, tare wt 36,840, net wt. 33,220 (lbs) 5. 46 bales, gross wt 77,920, tare wt 36,840, net wt. 41,080 (lbs) 6. 46 bales gross wt. 78,000 tare wt. 36,840, net wt. 41,160 (lbs). Field Totals: 209 bales 188,940 (lbs) 94.47 (tons).

2019-12-07 Harvest Harvested Prairie at Marshall Farm (M2). Prairie Field: Loads we recorded number of bales and weight (lbs): 1. 24 bales, gross wt. 41,040, tare wt. 19,020, net wt. 22,020 (lbs). 2. 46 bales, gross wt. 80,220, tare wt. 36,360, net wt. 43,860 (lbs). 3. 10 bales (wagon), gross wt. 15,600, tare wt. 6,340, net wt. 9,260 (lbs). Field Totals: 80 bales, 75,140 (lbs), 37.57 (tons).

2020-11-04 Harvest Harvested Prairie at Lux Arbor. See attachments for yield

2020-12-10 Harvest Mowed and baled corn stover at Lux Arbor corn field (L1). See attachment for yield. Staff from the KBS Dairy Center drove the red semi up to/from Lux so that bales could be transported on that truck and trailer.

2021-03-22 Harvest Mowed and baled corn stover at Marshall Farm corn field (M1). See attachment for yield. Stover was to wet in the fall of 2020 to mow and bale so we waited until spring of 2021 to mow and bale the corn stover from Marshall Farm. 60 bales were removed from the field.

2021-08-23 Harvest Baled the switchgrass from all the T6 plots, reps: 5, 4, 2, 3, 1, and 6. Raked switchgrass prior to baling. (Kuhn rotary rake MSU Dairy)

2021-11-11 Harvest Ryan Anthony flail mowed corn stover in G1 main plots: Reps 5, 4, 2, 3, & 1. Corn stover was mowed into windrows so that they could be bailed. The 6 rows (15 ft) in the west micro-plots of each rep were not mowed. Equipment Used: JD 7420a tractor and Loftness 15 ft Draper Windrower Shredder. Joe Simmons bailed corn stover with Krone 1270 square baler. Equipment Used: JD 7520 tractor with Krone 1270 square baler. Equipment Used: JD 7420b tractor (with loader) was used to move/load bales. Equipment Used: Dodge truck and gooseneck trailer were used to move and weigh bales. Portable scale was put on the rear of gooseneck and bales were place on scale to obtain weight. Bales were taken to KBS Dairy Center to be used for bedding for the cows.

2021-11-23 Harvest Mowed and baled corn stover at Lux Arbor corn field (L1). See attachment for yield. Bales were transported to KBS Dairy, the diary will use the bales for bedding in the cattle barns.

2021-11-24 Harvest Mowed and baled corn stover at Marshall Farm corn field (M1). Bales were transported to KBS Dairy, the diary will use the bales for bedding in the cattle barns. Baled the west side, however the bales broke so we could not finish the field on November 24, 2021.

2021-12-13 Harvest Harvested Prairie at Lux Arbor. Prairie Field: Loads we recorded number of bales and weight:

2021-12-14 Harvest Harvested Prairie at Marshall Farm. For each load we recorded number of bales and weight: see attached.

2022-04-29 Harvest Harvested switchgrass at Marshall Farm. For each load we recorded number of bales and weight: see attached.

2022-04-28 Harvest Harvested Switchgrass at Lux Arbor. Number of bales and weight taken, see attached

2022-11-10 Harvest Ethan Rocklin mowed corn stover in G1 main plots: Reps 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5. Corn stover was mowed into windrows so that they could be bailed. The 6 rows (15 ft) in the west micro-plots of each rep were not mowed. Equipment Used: JD 7420a tractor and Loftness 15 ft Draper Windrower Shredder. Joe Simmons bailed corn stover with Krone 1270 square baler. Equipment Used: JD 7520 tractor with Krone 1270 square baler. Equipment Used: JD 5410 tractor (with loader) was used to move/load bales. Equipment Used: Dodge truck and gooseneck trailer were used to move and weigh bales. Portable scale was put on the rear of gooseneck and bales were place on scale to obtain weight. Bales were taken to KBS Dairy Center to be used for bedding for the cows.

2022-11-10 Harvest Mowed and baled switchgrass at Marshall farm. see attached for yields.

2022-11-11 Harvest Mowed and baled switchgrass at Lux Arbor. See attached for yields.

2022-11-11 Harvest Mowed and baled prairie at Lux Arbor. See attached for yields

2022-12-06 Harvest Mowed and baled prairie at Marshall. See attached for yields

2022-12-07 Harvest flail mowed/windrowed and baled corn stalks at Lux Arbor. See attached for yields

2023-04-11 Harvest Used Loftness flail mower to windrow 12 rows of corn stalks. Baled stalks with Krone baler. picked up bales and took to Kellogg Farm. Material very dry. Scaled weights(1: 19 bales @ 12,100 pounds 2: 19 bales @ 12,500 lbs.) Moisture from 4 grab samples: 8.7%, 6.4%, 8.0%, 6.6%

2023-11-16 Harvest Jarrod Rhoades mowed corn stover in G1 main plots: Reps 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5. Corn stover was mowed into windrows so that they could be bailed. The 6 rows (15 ft) in the west micro-plots of each rep were not mowed. Equipment Used: JD 7420a tractor and Loftness 15 ft Draper Windrower Shredder. Joe Simmons bailed corn stover with Krone 1270 square baler. Equipment Used: JD 7520 tractor with Krone 1270 square baler. Equipment Used: JD 7420 tractor (with loader) was used to move/load bales. Equipment Used: Dodge truck and gooseneck trailer were used to move and weigh bales. Portable scale was put on the rear of gooseneck and bales were place on scale to obtain weight. Bales were taken to KBS Dairy Center to be used for bedding for the cows.

2023-12-14 Harvest Mowed and baled switchgrass at Lux Arbor (field L2). Removed bales from field on December 15, 2023.

2023-12-15 Harvest Mowed and baled switchgrass at Marshall Farm (field M3). Removed bales from field on December 16, 2023.

2024-04-10 Harvest Mowed (harvested) switchgrass in T6, reps: 6, 5, 4 and 3. Micro-plots in the Northwest corner of each rep were already harvested in fall of 2023. Equipment used: JD 4995 Discbine. These four reps were harvested and bailed same day. T6 plots were not harvest in fall of 2023 due to prolonged wet weather. Locations where the bales dropped from the baler were marked with JD GPS on the LTER Gator. T6R1 and T6R2 were harvested on 4/15/24, due to weather.

2024-04-08 Harvest harvested Marshall farm prairie, mowed on the 8th, baled on the 9th. Picked them up and took to Tim Osborne. 19 bales, 13,780 lbs

2024-04-09 Harvest mowed and baled Lux Arbor Prairie. 15 bales, 11,400 lbs. took bales to Tim Osborne

2024-04-15 Harvest flail mowed/windrowed L1 corn stalks then baled. 3 bales, 1640 lbs, moisture:

2024-04-16 Harvest flail mowed corn stalks then baled. 41 bales, 25,980 lbs, moisture Taken to Andy