Name: John Deere 7300 six row planter

2000-05-24 Fertilizer Application Planted the Nitrogen Rate Study. Variety: Pioneer 3573 corn. At planting time we applied 28% (28-0-0) fertilizer at 10 gals/A (30 llbs/A) across all treatments (except the no nitrogen treatment). One gallon of 28% is 10.67 lbs. The fertilizer pump was set on 2.5 For the no nitrogen treatments we turned the fertilizer off so that those plots did not receive any fertilizer. Planting population: I think we planted the corn at 28,000 seeds/A the planter was set on (driver) 20 (driven) 27. Planting depth: 1.5 inches.

2000-05-25 Planting Planted Pioneer 37J99 corn in the 2,4-D study. Not sure if 28% was applied at planting? If it was it would have been 10 gals/A.

2005-05-09 Planting Planted corn on the main site treatment 4, all replications, reps 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Planted Pioneer 35Y54 corn at 28,000 seeds/A (the monitor was reading 30,000 seeds/A). All the seed corn that was used for planting into trt 4 was untreated corn. In order to try and keep the standards of organic certification we ordered and planted untreated Pioneer 35Y54 seed corn. No fertilizer was applied at planting. Planting depth for the corn was 2-2.25 inches. The corn was planted in 30 inch rows. Corn was planted with the JD 7520 tractor and JD 1730 planter. The planter shaft on the JD 1730 planter broke after planting the west 1/3 of treatment 4 rep 4. There was a good chance of rain at KBS during the night so I finished planting treatment 4 rep 4 and 5 with the JD 7400 tractor and JD 7300 six row planter.

2002-05-10 Planting Planted corn on the main site T2, all replications, reps: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1; The variety of corn planted was Pioneer 35Y54; Seeding rate was 28K seeds/A; Fertilizer: Liquid starter fertilizer (19-17-0) at a rate of 12 gals/A was applied at planting 2 inches to the side and 2 inches below the seed row.

2002-05-10 Planting Finished planting corn on the main site treatment 1; Please see notes for specific dates plots were planted; May 8, 2002 planted T1, reps: 6, 3, and 2; Started to rain at noon so we had to stop all field work (including planting corn) because it was to wet; May 10, 2002 planted T1, reps: 4, 1, and 5; The variety of corn planted was Pioneer 35Y54; Seeding rate was 28K seeds/A; Fertilizer: Liquid starter fertilizer (19-17-0) at a rate of 12 gals/A was applied at planting 2 inches to the side and 2 inches below the seed row.

2000-05-15 Planting Planted Pioneer 3573 corn in Biodiveristy Study.

2000-05-24 Planting Planted corn in the Entomology study. The Bt variety planted was Pioneer 36G13. The non Bt variety planted was Pioneer 3573. At planting time we applied 28% (28-0-0) fertilizer at 10 gals/A (30 llbs/A) across all treatments. One gallon of 28% is 10.67 lbs. The fertilizer pump was set on 2.5 Planting population: I think we planted the corn at 28,000 seeds/A the planter was set on (driver) 20 (driven) 27. Planting depth: 1.5 inches. Lorsban 15G were applied to the non-Bt treatments. The planter boxes were set on 15 (I think this was 8 or 8.7 lbs/A). The insecticide was not turned off for reps 2, 3, and 4 (for the Bt treatments).

2000-06-07 Planting Planted Pioneer 9172 soybeans in treatments 3 and 4, all replications; The Pioneer 9172 soybeans had 2800 seeds/lb; Planting depth: 1-1.5 inch; Row spacing: 30 inches; No fertilizer was used; Planted with the JD 7300 6 row planter; I think we used the JD 7400 tractor; I tried to plant 196,000 seeds/A; Used a total of 45 bags; (about one bag remained in the seed boxes after we were done planting); 45 bags * 50 lbs/A * 2800 seeds/lb / 30 A = 210,000 seeds/A.

2002-05-07 Soil Preparation Soil finished and planted corn in the N-rate study; The variety of corn planted was Pioneer 35Y54; Seeding rate was 28K seeds/A; The insecticide Lorsban (chlorpyrifos) was applied at planting; Most of the time Lorsban was put on at 8 - 8.7 lbs/A; Not sure if we put 19-17-0 on at planting to all treatments except the zero nitrogen treatment?

2021-05-13 Planting Plant Pioneer P0414AM corn at 30,000 seeds per acre and 2" depth.

2021-06-01 Planting Plant Blue River BR38G54 corn at 28500 seeds per acre.

2022-06-03 Soil Preparation Soil finish field and plant Blue River 38G54 corn at 28,500 seeds per acre.

2023-05-05 Planting Plant Asgrow AG26XF1 soybeans in 30" rows at a depth of 1 inch a 100K seeds/acre.

2023-05-12 Planting Soybean Planting Equipment trial. Plant soybeans at 130k on 30" rows and 15" rows (5/11). Drill on 7.5" rows as 130k (5/11). Broadcast with shallow incorporation at 130k and 160k seeds per acre (5/12).

2023-05-25 Planting Plant 24DC3 soybeans at 170,000 seeds/acre and a depth of 1.75 inches.

2024-05-13 Planting Plant corn 1.5" deep.