Name: John Deere 6' Brushhog Mower

2014-07-24 Mechanical Weed Control Mowed between tree rows in the GLBRC Main Site G8 plots, all reps in the order of (5, 4, 3, 1, 2). Purpose was to decrease weed population to insure the poplar trees receive adequate water to grow properly. Equipment used was the JD 5220 and the JD 6' brushog.

2020-07-28 Mechanical Weed Control Mowed in between poplar columns in GLBRC G8 main plots (all reps). This was done to control undesired plant growth. Mowed in the north south direction. Equipment used was John Deere 5320 tractor and John Deere 6' mower (brush hog).

2020-08-05 Mechanical Weed Control Mowed in between poplar columns in LTER T5 (All Reps) main plots. This was done to control undesired plant growth. Mowed in the north south direction. Equipment used was John Deere 5425 tractor and John Deere 6' mower (brush hog).

2020-06-03 Mechanical Weed Control Mowed in between poplar columns in GLBRC G8 main plots. This was done to control undesired plant growth. Mowed in the north south direction. Equipment used was John Deere 5425 tractor and John Deere 6' mower (brush hog).

2020-06-09 Mechanical Weed Control Mowed in between poplar columns in LTER T5 main plots. This was done to control undesired plant growth. Mowed in the north south direction. Reps 4,3,2 were mowed on 6-9-2020/ Reps 1,5,6 were mowed on 6-10-2020 Equipment used was John Deere 5425 tractor and John Deere 6' mower (brush hog).

2021-07-15 Mechanical Weed Control Mowed in between poplar columns in LTER T5 (All Reps) main plots. This was done to control undesired plant growth. Mowed in the north south direction. Equipment used was John Deere 5320 tractor and John Deere 6' mower (brush hog).

2022-07-06 Mechanical Weed Control Mowed in between poplar columns in LTER T5 (Reps 4, 3, 2, 1, and 6) main plots. This was done to control undesired plant growth. Mowed in the South to North direction. Equipment used was John Deere 5320 tractor and John Deere 6' mower (brush hog). T5R4 mowed afternoon of 7/1/22 T5 Reps 3, 2, and 1 mowed 7/5/22 T5R6 mowed 7/6/22 T5R5 not yet mowed, waiting to remove black locus

2022-06-30 Mechanical Weed Control Mowed in between poplar columns in GLBRC G8 main plots (all reps), mowing was done over two days 6/29 and 6/30 This was done to control undesired plant growth. Mowed in the South to North direction. Equipment used was John Deere 5320 tractor and John Deere 6' mower (brush hog).

2024-07-17 Mechanical Weed Control Mowed still green switchgrass to prepare to spray to height of 10-12".