Name: Gandy Orbit Air applicator

2014-04-27 Fertilizer Application applied 50 lb/A N (Urea) with gandy air applicator on +N side of each plot.

2015-05-08 Fertilizer Application Fertilized all plus Nitrogen split plots with urea(108 lb/a), 50 lb/A Nitrogen. A Gandy broadcast spreader was used to spread the urea evenly over surface of plot. The urea used has a stabilizer in it to protect from ammonia volatilization, denitrification and nitrate leaching(brand: SUPERU).

2015-05-20 Fertilizer Application Fertilized all plus Nitrogen split plots with urea(108 lb/a), 50 lb/A Nitrogen. A Gandy broadcast spreader was used to spread the urea evenly over surface of plot. The urea used has a stabilizer in it to protect from ammonia volatilization, denitrification and nitrate leaching(brand: SUPERU).

2015-06-08 Fertilizer Application Fertilized all plus Nitrogen split plots with urea(108 lb/a), 50 lb/A Nitrogen. A Gandy broadcast spreader was used to spread the urea evenly over surface of plot. The urea used has a stabilizer in it to protect from ammonia volatilization, denitrification and nitrate leaching(brand: SUPERU).

2016-04-13 Fertilizer Application applied pelletized limestone for bringing up the pH. broadcast 1000 lbs/A with gandy and tractor.

2016-05-13 Fertilizer Application Fertilized all plus Nitrogen split plots with urea(117 lb/a), 54 lb/A Nitrogen. A Gandy broadcast spreader was used to spread the urea evenly over surface of plot. The urea used has a stabilizer in it to protect from ammonia volatilization, denitrification and nitrate leaching(brand: SUPERU). >>> target rate was 108 lb/A urea <<<

2016-06-06 Fertilizer Application Fertilized all plus Nitrogen split plots with urea(109 lb/a), 50 lb/A Nitrogen. A Gandy broadcast spreader was used to spread the urea evenly over surface of plot. The urea used has a stabilizer in it to protect from ammonia volatilization, denitrification and nitrate leaching(brand: SUPERU).

2016-12-07 Fertilizer Application applied pelletized limestone for bringing up the pH. broadcast 3000 lbs/A with gandy and tractor.

2016-05-24 Fertilizer Application Fertilized all plus Nitrogen split plots with urea(108 lb/a), 50 lb/A Nitrogen. A Gandy broadcast spreader was used to spread the urea evenly over surface of plot. The urea used has a stabilizer in it to protect from ammonia volatilization, denitrification and nitrate leaching(brand: SUPERU).

2017-05-22 Fertilizer Application Fertilized all plus Nitrogen split plots with urea(109 lb/a), 50 lb/A Nitrogen. A Gandy broadcast spreader was used to spread the urea evenly over surface of plot. The urea used has a stabilizer in it to protect from ammonia volatilization, denitrification and nitrate leaching(brand: SUPERU).

2017-05-25 Fertilizer Application Fertilized all plus Nitrogen split plots with urea(109 lb/a), 50 lb/A Nitrogen. A Gandy broadcast spreader was used to spread the urea evenly over surface of plot. The urea used has a stabilizer in it to protect from ammonia volatilization, denitrification and nitrate leaching(brand: SUPERU).

2017-05-08 Fertilizer Application Fertilized all plus Nitrogen split plots with urea(109 lb/a), 50 lb/A Nitrogen. A Gandy broadcast spreader was used to spread the urea evenly over surface of plot. The urea used has a stabilizer in it to protect from ammonia volatilization, denitrification and nitrate leaching(brand: SUPERU).

2018-05-14 Fertilizer Application Fertilized all plus Nitrogen split plots with urea(109 lb/a), 50 lb/A Nitrogen. A Gandy broadcast spreader was used to spread the urea evenly over surface of plot. The urea used has a stabilizer in it to protect from ammonia volatilization, denitrification and nitrate leaching(brand: SUPERU).

2018-05-15 Fertilizer Application Fertilized all plus Nitrogen split plots with urea(109 lb/a), 50 lb/A Nitrogen. A Gandy broadcast spreader was used to spread the urea evenly over surface of plot. The urea used has a stabilizer in it to protect from ammonia volatilization, denitrification and nitrate leaching(brand: SUPERU).

2018-05-16 Fertilizer Application Fertilized all plus Nitrogen split plots with polymer coated urea(114 lb/a), 50 lb/A Nitrogen. A Gandy broadcast spreader was used to spread the urea evenly over surface of plot. ESN® SMART NITROGEN is a urea granule comprised of 44% nitrogen, contained within a flexible polymer coating. This coating protects the nitrogen from loss mechanisms and releases nitrogen in response to soil temperature. one pass made per plot with 20 foot boom. Teknic stepper motor on Gandy set at 50(?) rpm, ground speed 3 mph.

2018-05-16 Fertilizer Application Fertilized all plus Nitrogen split plots with polymer coated urea(114 lb/a), 50 lb/A Nitrogen. A Gandy broadcast spreader was used to spread the urea evenly over surface of plot. ESN® SMART NITROGEN is a urea granule comprised of 44% nitrogen, contained within a flexible polymer coating. This coating protects the nitrogen from loss mechanisms and releases nitrogen in response to soil temperature. one pass made per plot with 20 foot boom. Teknic stepper motor on Gandy set at 53(?) rpm, ground speed 3 mph.

2018-05-16 Fertilizer Application Fertilized all plus Nitrogen split plots with polymer coated urea(114 lb/a), 50 lb/A Nitrogen. A Gandy broadcast spreader was used to spread the urea evenly over surface of plot. ESN® SMART NITROGEN is a urea granule comprised of 44% nitrogen, contained within a flexible polymer coating. This coating protects the nitrogen from loss mechanisms and releases nitrogen in response to soil temperature. Treatment 11, Rep 4 had to many trees (4-7 feet tall) to fertilize with a tractor, so this plot was fertilized by hand. one pass made per plot with 20 foot boom. Teknic stepper motor on Gandy set at 53(?) rpm, ground speed 3 mph.

2018-05-08 Fertilizer Application Fertilizedwith urea(152 lb/a), 70 lb/A Nitrogen. A Gandy 6212 broadcast spreader was used to spread the urea evenly over surface of plot. The urea used has a stabilizer in it to protect from ammonia volatilization, denitrification and nitrate leaching(brand: SUPERU). two passes of 20 feet were made north to south in each replication, traveling at 3 mph. Teknic stepper motor on Gandy set to 68 rpm.

2019-04-10 Fertilizer Application Applied pelletized limestone to all treatments with Gandy orbit air applicator, 10 foot wide boom with 10 inch nozzle spacing. see notes for rates and lime analysis.

2019-05-14 Fertilizer Application Applied 109 lb/A(50 lb/A Nitrogen) SuperU(see attachment) to all switchgrass plots. Applied ESN(see attachment) to miscanthus N study(see attachment).

2019-05-16 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. Moved the rainout shelters just prior to fertilizing, and moved them back in place after fertilizer application. 30" spacing, 3mph, stepper motor setting 59

2019-05-30 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. 30" spacing, 3mph, stepper motor setting 59

2019-05-21 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. Moved the rainout shelters just prior to fertilizing, and moved them back in place after fertilizer application. 30" spacing, 3mph, stepper motor setting 59

2019-06-05 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. Moved the rainout shelters just prior to fertilizing, and moved them back in place after fertilizer application. 30" spacing, 3mph, stepper motor setting 59

2019-06-06 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. Moved the rainout shelters just prior to fertilizing, and moved them back in place after fertilizer application. 30" spacing, 3mph, stepper motor setting 59

2019-05-30 Fertilizer Application Applied pelletized limestone to G5 & G6 with Gandy orbit air applicator, 10 foot wide boom with 10 inch nozzle spacing. See notes for lime analysis. G5 - 1 ton/A, G6 - 0.5 ton/A

2019-06-06 Fertilizer Application Applied pelletized limestone to G8 4 ton/A with Gandy orbit air applicator, 10 foot wide boom with 10 inch nozzle spacing. See notes for lime analysis

2020-05-12 Fertilizer Application Applied 114 lb/A(50 lb/A Nitrogen) ESN Urea(see attachment) to all switchgrass plots. Applied ESN(see attachment) to miscanthus N study(see attachment).

2020-05-30 Fertilizer Application Applied Phosphorus fertilizer(0-46-0) to all plots except Zero Nitrogen split of treatment 11. Used 87 lbs/A of super triplephosphate for a total of 40 lbs/A of phosphorus. Gandy setting: 30" spacing, 3.0 mph, stepper motor setting 31. Hand applied 8.2 pounds per plot of treatment 8.

2020-05-29 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. 30" spacing, 3mph, stepper motor setting 59

2020-05-04 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. 30" spacing, 3mph, stepper motor setting 59

2020-05-04 Fertilizer Application Applied 30 lb/A Potassium fertilizer(0-0-62) to all plots except G8 and Zero Nitrogen split of treatment 11. Used Potash at 48 lbs/A for a total of 30 lbs/A Potassium. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. Gandy setting: 30" spacing, 3mph, stepper motor setting 16.5.

2020-05-20 Fertilizer Application Applied 40 lb/A Potassium fertilizer(0-0-62) to all plots except G8 and Zero Nitrogen split of treatment 11. Used Potash at 68 lbs/A for a total of 40 lbs/A Potassium. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. Gandy setting: 30" spacing, 2.2 mph, stepper motor setting 16.5.

2020-05-20 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. 30" spacing, 3mph, stepper motor setting 59

2020-05-28 Fertilizer Application Applied 50 lb/A Potassium fertilizer(0-0-62) to all plots except G8 and Zero Nitrogen split of treatment 11. Used Potash at 81 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Potassium. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. Gandy setting: 30" spacing, 2.6 mph, stepper motor setting 31. Hand applied 7.6 pounds per plot of Potash on treatment 8. Accidentally applied to Zero side of rep 3.

2020-05-30 Fertilizer Application Applied Potassium fertilizer(0-0-62) to all plots except Zero Nitrogen split of treatment 11. Reps 1, 3, 4: Used Potash at 81 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Potassium. Rep 2: Used Potash at 65 lbs/A for a total of 40 lbs/A Potassium.Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. Gandy setting: 30" spacing, (81 lbs/A) 2.6 mph, stepper motor setting 31, (65 lbs/A) 3.2 mph, stepper motor setting 31. Hand applied 7.6 lbs/plot on treatment 8, reps 1, 3, 4 and 6.1 lbs on rep 2.

2020-05-30 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. 30" spacing, 3mph, stepper motor setting 59.

2020-05-30 Fertilizer Application Applied Nitrogen fertilizer to fertilized split of all plots except G8. Used ESN(see attachment) at 114 lbs/A for a total of 50 lbs/A Nitrogen. Used Gandy orbit air broadcast spreader. 30" spacing, 3mph, stepper motor setting 59.