Name: John Deere 7400 Tractor

2005-06-20 Fertilizer Application Applied 37 gals/A of 28% N (28-0-0) to the corn on the main site treatment 1 replications 6, 5, 1, and 4. Applied to N with the JD 7400 tractor and 6 row fertilizer applictor.

2005-06-21 Fertilizer Application Applied 37 gals/A of 28% N (28-0-0) to the corn on the main site treatment 1 replications 3 and 2. Applied to N with the JD 7400 tractor and 6 row fertilizer applictor.

2005-04-16 Fertilizer Application Applied 0-0-60, potash fertilizer, at 50 lbs/A (56.14 kg/ha) to treatment 1, replications 6, 1, 5, 2, 3, and 4, and treatment 2, replications 1, 6, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The 50 lbs/A provided 30 lbs/A of K20 to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7400 tractor traveling at 5 mph and Gandy Orbit-Air with a 15 ft boom.

2005-04-19 Fertilizer Application Applied 0-0-60, potash fertilizer, at 50 lbs/A (56.14 kg/ha) to treatment 3, replications 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, The 50 lbs/A provided 30 lbs/A of K20 to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7400 tractor traveling at 5 mph and Gandy Orbit-Air with a 15 ft boom.

2005-06-21 Fertilizer Application Applied 37 gals/A of 28% N (28-0-0) to the corn on the main site treatment 2, all replications, reps 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 5. Applied to N with the JD 7400 tractor and 6 row fertilizer applictor.

2005-04-19 Fertilizer Application Applied 0-0-60, potash fertilizer, at 50 lbs/A (56.14 kg/ha) to the European Corn Borer Study (ECB) area. The 50 lbs/A provided 30 lbs/A of K20 to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7400 tractor traveling at 5 mph and Gandy Orbit-Air with a 15 ft boom.

2005-06-21 Fertilizer Application Applied 37 gals/A of 28% N (28-0-0) to the corn in the ECB study. Applied to N with the JD 7400 tractor and 6 row fertilizer applictor.

2005-04-19 Fertilizer Application Applied 0-0-60, potash fertilizer, at 50 lbs/A (56.14 kg/ha) to the Nitrogen Rate Study area. The 50 lbs/A provided 30 lbs/A of K20 to the plots. The fertilizer was applied with the JD 7400 tractor traveling at 5 mph and Gandy Orbit-Air with a 15 ft boom.

2005-09-20 Planting Planted red clover at 15 lbs/A on September 20, 2005 into treatments 3, 6, and 17 in the biodiversity study. We replanted the clover because the clover that we frost seeded on March 16, 2005 did not grow much over the spring and summer. If we want to have a clover crop to plow under next spring I decided that replanting was necessary. The plots that red clover were planted in were treatment 3, plots 111, 203, 306, 403, treatment 6, plots 107, 207, 317, 406, and treatment 17, plots 116, 211, 302, 417. Clover was planted with the JD 7400 tractor and JD 750 no-till drill. Clover was planted 0.5 inch deep. To plant 15 lbs/A of clover the front seeder box on the JD 750 drill was set on 5.5.

2005-05-09 Planting Planted corn on the main site treatment 4, all replications, reps 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Planted Pioneer 35Y54 corn at 28,000 seeds/A (the monitor was reading 30,000 seeds/A). All the seed corn that was used for planting into trt 4 was untreated corn. In order to try and keep the standards of organic certification we ordered and planted untreated Pioneer 35Y54 seed corn. No fertilizer was applied at planting. Planting depth for the corn was 2-2.25 inches. The corn was planted in 30 inch rows. Corn was planted with the JD 7520 tractor and JD 1730 planter. The planter shaft on the JD 1730 planter broke after planting the west 1/3 of treatment 4 rep 4. There was a good chance of rain at KBS during the night so I finished planting treatment 4 rep 4 and 5 with the JD 7400 tractor and JD 7300 six row planter.

2005-08-31 Fertilizer Application (first entry) I spread triple superphosphate (0-46-0), potash (0-0-62), and boron (B) fertilizers to treatment 6 replications 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, & 5. Actual amounts applied on the 15 acres (6 ha) were 3,920 lbs (1,782 kg) of 0-46-0, 5,990 lbs (2,723 kg) of 0-0-62, and 50 lbs (22.7 kg) of boron. The fertilizers were blended together and applied at the same time. The fertilizer was applied with a JD 7400 tractor, C3 1700 rpm, around 6-7 mph, and a Willmar 6 ton pull type spinner spreader. With a spinner spreader it would have been difficult to spread, in one pass, the entire amount of fertilizer recommended. The pattern of the fertilizer coming out of the spreader may not be a uniform pattern at such a high rate of fertilizer per acre therefore; I split the application rate in half then drove over the plots twice. The driving intervals were based on a 40 ft spreading pattern. The second time over the plots I drove between the first set of driving intervals. After spreading fertilizer on all six replications I had some fertilizer remaining in the spreader (about 1,992 lbs) so I applied the remaining fertilizer onto replications 1, 2, and 5, i.e. I did not change the setting on the fertilizer spreader and I went over reps 1, 2, and 5 for a third time. Replications 1, 2, and 5 had the lowest amount of P and K in the soil, i.e. the highest fertilizer recommendations was for reps 1, 2, and 5. Actual amounts applied to replications 1, 2, and 5 (7.5 acres, 3 ha) was 2,352 lbs (1,069 kg) of 0-46-0, 3,594 lbs (1,634 kg) of 0-0-62, and 30 lbs (13.64 kg) of boron. In replications 1, 2, and 5 the 314 lbs/A of 0-46-0 provided 144 lbs/A (161.7 kg/ha) of P2O5. The 479 lbs/A of 0-0-62 provided 297 lbs/A (333 kg/ha) of K2O. The 30 lbs of boron provided 4 lbs/A (4.5 kg/ha) of boron. Actual amounts applied to replications 3, 4, and 6 (7.5 acres, 3 ha) was 1,568 lbs (713 kg) of 0-46-0, 2,396 lbs (1,089 kg) of 0-0-62, and 20 lbs (9 kg) of boron. In replications 3, 4, and 6 the 209 lbs/A of 0-46-0 provided 96 lbs/A (107.8 kg/ha) of P2O5. The 319 lbs/A of 0-0-62 provided 198 lbs/A (222 kg/ha) of K2O. The 20 lbs of boron provided 2.6 lbs/A (2.99 kg/ha) of boron.

2005-08-31 Fertilizer Application (second entry) I spread triple superphosphate (0-46-0), potash (0-0-62), and boron (B) fertilizers to treatment 6 replications 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, & 5. Actual amounts applied on the 15 acres (6 ha) were 3,920 lbs (1,782 kg) of 0-46-0, 5,990 lbs (2,723 kg) of 0-0-62, and 50 lbs (22.7 kg) of boron. The fertilizers were blended together and applied at the same time. The fertilizer was applied with a JD 7400 tractor, C3 1700 rpm, around 6-7 mph, and a Willmar 6 ton pull type spinner spreader. With a spinner spreader it would have been difficult to spread, in one pass, the entire amount of fertilizer recommended. The pattern of the fertilizer coming out of the spreader may not be a uniform pattern at such a high rate of fertilizer per acre therefore; I split the application rate in half then drove over the plots twice. The driving intervals were based on a 40 ft spreading pattern. The second time over the plots I drove between the first set of driving intervals. After spreading fertilizer on all six replications I had some fertilizer remaining in the spreader (about 1,992 lbs) so I applied the remaining fertilizer onto replications 1, 2, and 5, i.e. I did not change the setting on the fertilizer spreader and I went over reps 1, 2, and 5 for a third time. Replications 1, 2, and 5 had the lowest amount of P and K in the soil, i.e. the highest fertilizer recommendations was for reps 1, 2, and 5. Actual amounts applied to replications 1, 2, and 5 (7.5 acres, 3 ha) was 2,352 lbs (1,069 kg) of 0-46-0, 3,594 lbs (1,634 kg) of 0-0-62, and 30 lbs (13.64 kg) of boron. In replications 1, 2, and 5 the 314 lbs/A of 0-46-0 provided 144 lbs/A (161.7 kg/ha) of P2O5. The 479 lbs/A of 0-0-62 provided 297 lbs/A (333 kg/ha) of K2O. The 30 lbs of boron provided 4 lbs/A (4.5 kg/ha) of boron. Actual amounts applied to replications 3, 4, and 6 (7.5 acres, 3 ha) was 1,568 lbs (713 kg) of 0-46-0, 2,396 lbs (1,089 kg) of 0-0-62, and 20 lbs (9 kg) of boron. In replications 3, 4, and 6 the 209 lbs/A of 0-46-0 provided 96 lbs/A (107.8 kg/ha) of P2O5. The 319 lbs/A of 0-0-62 provided 198 lbs/A (222 kg/ha) of K2O. The 20 lbs of boron provided 2.6 lbs/A (2.99 kg/ha) of boron.

2003-04-26 Fertilizer Application Spread fertilizer on trt 2 reps 6, 1, 4, 3, 2, & 5, and trt 1 reps 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, & 6. The fertilizer was spread with JD 7400 C4 1600 rpm = 7.0 mph with a Willmar 5 ton pull type spinner spreader. Fertilizer recommendations were for 50 lbs/A of 11-52-0 and 100 lbs/A of 0-0-60. The fertilizers were blended together and applied at the same time. Actual amounts applied were 1,750 lbs of 11-52-0 on 29.64 acres (12 ha) and 3,730 lbs of 0-0-60 were applied on 29.64 acres (12 ha).

2003-10-20 Planting No-tilled planted winter wheat, Pioneer 25R37, on the west half of the lysimeter field. Planted with the JD 7400 tractor and JD 750 no-till 10' drill.

2003-10-21 Planting No-tilled planted winter wheat, Pioneer 25R37, on the east half of the lysimeter field. Planted with the JD 7400 tractor and JD 750 no-till 10' drill.

1996-07-01 Fertilizer Application {{PL: (entry 2) Gene Transfer Plots had 140 lb N/A applied using the Gandy Air Seeder and JD 7400 Tractor. Rotation Entry Point TRT 1 and 2 had 120 lb N applied/A. Cut the Lysimeter (2nd cut) alfalfa field with haybine. Cut TRT 1 and 2 LTER Main Site Alfalfa.}}

1996-07-01 Fertilizer Application {{PL: (entry 1) Gene Transfer Plots had 140 lb N/A applied using the Gandy Air Seeder and JD 7400 Tractor. Rotation Entry Point TRT 1 and 2 had 120 lb N applied/A. Cut the Lysimeter (2nd cut) alfalfa field with haybine. Cut TRT 1 and 2 LTER Main Site Alfalfa.}}

2000-05-15 Planting Planted Pioneer 3573 corn in Biodiveristy Study.

2012-04-10 Fertilizer Application applied 79 lb K2O per acre as 0-0-62 [from Jim Bronson field log email]

2012-05-08 Planting planted Corn DCK-52-59 Dekalb at 28,600 seeds per acre and 33 lbs of 28% Nitrogen as N per acre [Jim Bronson email]

2009-06-11 Planting

2009-06-09 Planting

2010-04-29 Planting Was shooting for 30 lbs. N. First year of continuous corn for the GLRBC. 42.4 Acres from monitor.

2010-04-28 Planting Was shooting for 30 lbs. N. This is a GLRBC dedicated field. First year of continuous corn. Acres from monitor.

2011-05-05 Planting 25.8 acres on the monitor. Left out the eroding NW corner of field.

2012-05-08 Planting 40.3 acres on the monitor.

2012-04-12 Fertilizer Application This rate applied 50 lbs P2O5 per acre and 100 lbs K2O per acre.

2012-05-06 Planting 25.7 acres on the monitor

2004-07-12 Mowing Mowed the T2 micro-plots before we started harvest.

2000-05-24 Fertilizer Application Planted the Nitrogen Rate Study. Variety: Pioneer 3573 corn. At planting time we applied 28% (28-0-0) fertilizer at 10 gals/A (30 llbs/A) across all treatments (except the no nitrogen treatment). One gallon of 28% is 10.67 lbs. The fertilizer pump was set on 2.5 For the no nitrogen treatments we turned the fertilizer off so that those plots did not receive any fertilizer. Planting population: I think we planted the corn at 28,000 seeds/A the planter was set on (driver) 20 (driven) 27. Planting depth: 1.5 inches.

2000-05-24 Planting Planted corn in the Entomology study. The Bt variety planted was Pioneer 36G13. The non Bt variety planted was Pioneer 3573. At planting time we applied 28% (28-0-0) fertilizer at 10 gals/A (30 llbs/A) across all treatments. One gallon of 28% is 10.67 lbs. The fertilizer pump was set on 2.5 Planting population: I think we planted the corn at 28,000 seeds/A the planter was set on (driver) 20 (driven) 27. Planting depth: 1.5 inches. Lorsban 15G were applied to the non-Bt treatments. The planter boxes were set on 15 (I think this was 8 or 8.7 lbs/A). The insecticide was not turned off for reps 2, 3, and 4 (for the Bt treatments).

2000-05-25 Planting Planted Pioneer 37J99 corn in the 2,4-D study. Not sure if 28% was applied at planting? If it was it would have been 10 gals/A.

2002-05-10 Planting Finished planting corn on the main site treatment 1; Please see notes for specific dates plots were planted; May 8, 2002 planted T1, reps: 6, 3, and 2; Started to rain at noon so we had to stop all field work (including planting corn) because it was to wet; May 10, 2002 planted T1, reps: 4, 1, and 5; The variety of corn planted was Pioneer 35Y54; Seeding rate was 28K seeds/A; Fertilizer: Liquid starter fertilizer (19-17-0) at a rate of 12 gals/A was applied at planting 2 inches to the side and 2 inches below the seed row.

2002-05-07 Soil Preparation Soil finished and planted corn in the N-rate study; The variety of corn planted was Pioneer 35Y54; Seeding rate was 28K seeds/A; The insecticide Lorsban (chlorpyrifos) was applied at planting; Most of the time Lorsban was put on at 8 - 8.7 lbs/A; Not sure if we put 19-17-0 on at planting to all treatments except the zero nitrogen treatment?

2002-05-10 Planting Planted corn on the main site T2, all replications, reps: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1; The variety of corn planted was Pioneer 35Y54; Seeding rate was 28K seeds/A; Fertilizer: Liquid starter fertilizer (19-17-0) at a rate of 12 gals/A was applied at planting 2 inches to the side and 2 inches below the seed row.

2014-10-29 Harvest Harvested corn in the GLBRC G1, G2, and G3 plots, all reps on October 29, 2014. Entire plot weight was determined by unloading corn from the combine to a Brent Weigh Wagon, by Unverferth Co. Number of corn rows harvested from each plot were counted and recorded to determine total area harvested. Six rows on each side of each plot was harvested with the Kincaid plot combine and was not included in the total plot weight. Moisture and test weights were determined using a portable Dicky-john GAC500 XT grain analysis moisture tester. Corn harvested was G1 (Dekalb DKC52-59) corn hybrid and G2 and G3 (Pioneer P8906AM) corn hybrid. Estimated harvest time was from 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (this estimate is just harvest time it does not include equipment set up and equipment clean up time). Harvested corn in the bait crop around the GLBRC site and 'rep 6' plots. Estimated harvest time to harvest the bait crop was from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. (this estimate is just harvest time it does not include equipment set up and equipment clean up time).

2014-10-30 Harvest Harvested corn in the LTER Main Site Treatments T1 and T2 corn, all replications, on October 29, 2014. For yield data collection each plot was split into a 'west' and 'east' half. The west side of each plot consisted of a headland (15' wide) pass along both the north and south side of the plot and then the remaining west half of the plot. The east side of the plot consisted of the remaining east half of the plot (minus the total of 30' for the headland passes). Prior to harvesting the number of corn rows in both the east and west sides of each plot were counted and recorded to determine total area harvested. The row splitting the 'east' and 'west' half was marked with colored tape so that the combine operator could identify the split between the 'east' and 'west' side of each plot. Corn was harvested using a John Deere 9410 combine. Plot weight was determined by unloading corn from the combine in to a Brent Weigh Wagon, by Unverferth Co., equipped with weigh cells. Moisture and test weights were determined using a portable Dicky-john GAC500 XT grain analysis moisture tester. Corn variety harvested was (Dekalb DKC52-59) corn hybrid. Estimated harvest time was from 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. (this estimate is just harvest time it does not include equipment set up and equipment clean up time).

2009-06-09 Planting Planting Soybeans in first year of GLBRC Scaleup

2009-06-10 Planting Planting soybeans in first year of GLBRC scaleup

2009-06-11 Planting Planting soybeans in first year of GLBRC Scaleup

2009-07-13 Planting Planted soybeans in grass waterways

2015-11-04 Harvest Harvested Corn Stover in the GLBRC, treatments: G1, G2, and G4 all replications. Stover from G4 reps 1 and 2 were on November 5, 2015. Harvested - Eastern 75 feet (30 rows) of each plot, except for G2R1 and G3R1 the western 75 feet (30 rows) was harvested. The remaining 15' (6 rows) area unharvested is the stover non-removal microplot, located on the western 15' of each plot except for G2R1 and G3R1 where it is located on the eastern 15' of the plot. Stover weights were determined weighing round bales on platform scales. Grab samples from each rep was placed in paper bags weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture for each replication. Estimated harvest time was from 10:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (this estimate is just harvest time it does not include equipment set up and equipment clean up time).

2013-05-09 Planting Planted Corn with Starter Fertilizer (Recorded as lbs N per acre)

2015-05-08 Planting Planted corn and applied starter fertilizer (recorded in pounds of N per acre)

2013-05-08 Planting Planted corn and applied starter N fertilizer (listed in pounds N per acre)

2013-05-24 Planting Replanted patches across the entire field today. Turkeys and/or Sandhill Cranes have been pulling up plants all across the field. Not sure which is the culprit, but it could be both. 8.6 acres was replanted.

2015-04-29 Planting Planted corn and applied starter fertilizer. (Fertilizer recorded as pounds N per acre)

2020-05-05 Soil Preparation Chisel plowed and soil finished the tilled micro-plot areas in field M1 at Marshall Farm. Plots were both chiseled and soil finished twice in opposite directions, north and south. Tilled micro-plots are the west side micro-plots.

2021-05-13 Planting Plant Pioneer P0414AM corn at 30,000 seeds per acre and 2" depth.

2024-04-16 Harvest flail mowed corn stalks then baled. 41 bales, 25,980 lbs, moisture Taken to Andy