Name: John Deere 7420

2013-05-07 Soil Preparation field cultivated all treatments except undisturbed check two times. Cultivated to the depth of 4-6 inches going North and South.

2013-06-19 Soil Preparation Field cultivated to the depth of 4-6 inches, treatments 5, 7, & 10 in preparation of grass planting planned in the next several days. soil tilled up very well with good moisture.

2013-06-19 Soil Preparation following field cultivating treatments 5, 7 & 10, these treatments were cultipacked to firm the soil for planting.

2018-05-02 Soil Preparation Chisel plowed and soil finished the tilled micro-plot areas in field M1 at Marshall Farm. Plots were both chiseled and soil finished twice in opposite directions, north and south. Tilled micro-plots are the west side micro-plots

2019-03-27 Harvest Harvested Corn Stover in the GLBRC M1 and L1. Equipment used: JD 7420a tractor and Loftness 15' Draper Windrower Shredder (to windrow the corn stover). Stover was baled with round baler. Total weight of round bales was recorded. Grab samples was placed in paper bags and weighed for wet weight and placed in plant dryer and reweighed to determine percent moisture. 54 bales from Marshal farm, 49 from Lux Arbor.