Name: JD 7320

2012-05-10 Planting Corn Planting G2 and G3 - short season (90 day) hybrid

2012-05-10 Planting Planting of G1 corn plots, Pioneer 35F40 is RR but is not RW or CB tolerant so Force 3G insecticide was applied at planting in the furrow.

2012-10-12 Planting Cover crop was planted in treatments G2, G3, and G4. Because of the desired rates of rye and winter pea two trips were made for independent planting of each crop. Planting depth 1.5”

2012-10-12 Planting Cover crop was planted in treatments G2, G3, and G4. Because of the desired rates of rye and winter pea two trips were made for independent planting of each crop. Planting depth 1.5”

2013-11-18 Planting Cover crop was planted in treatments G2, G3, and G4. Because of the desired rates of rye and winter pea two trips were made for independent planting of each crop. Planting depth 1.5”

2013-11-20 Harvest Cover crop was planted in treatments G2, G3, and G4. Because of the desired rates of rye and winter pea two trips were made for independent planting of each crop. Planting depth 1.5”

2014-05-20 Herbicide Application Pre-Emerge 5/20/2014 Defy 2,4-D LV 4 (16oz/ac) + Hornet WDG (4oz/ac) + Dual II Magnum (24oz/ac)

2014-06-10 Herbicide Application pre-emerge

2014-05-14 Herbicide Application spray weeds

2014-06-09 Herbicide Application pre-emerge

2014-07-11 Herbicide Application post emerge

2015-12-08 Harvest Corn Stover Harvest - soil was a little wet because we were waiting for snow to melt to get in and harvest