Name: JD 3330

2012-04-24 Herbicide Application Burndown herbicide application for continuous corn

2012-04-23 Herbicide Application Burndown herbicide application for rotational corn and soybean plots

2012-05-16 Herbicide Application Herbicide application to G5R1 and G5R2 to prevent warm season grass competition with recently re-seed switchgrass. Since none of the other reps were re-seeded there was no need to apply this herbicide to other plots.

2012-06-12 Herbicide Application Soybean Post-emergence herbicide application

2012-06-06 Herbicide Application Post emergence herbicide application

2012-08-07 Herbicide Application Second spraying event for two spotted spider mites on Soybeans. Two weeks following initial treatment spider mite populations were assessed on 50 random plants per plot. All but one rep had populations well in excess of the 15% threshold for treatment so it was decided to treat the fields.

2013-05-06 Herbicide Application Pre-emerge herbicide application for continuous corn

2013-06-10 Herbicide Application Pre-emerge herbicide application on short season corn

2013-06-10 Herbicide Application Pre-emerge herbicide application on soybeans

2013-06-28 Herbicide Application Post-emerge herbicide application on continuous corn

2014-05-08 Herbicide Application Pre-emerge herbicide spray on switchgrass

2014-05-08 Herbicide Application Pre-emerge herbicide spray on miscanthus