Name: Gandy 5' drop spreader

2011-05-27 Fertilizer Application N Fertilizer Application - 147 lbs ammonium nitrate / acre = 50 lbs N / acre, fertilizer applied only to the Western Micro-plot section of each plot

2011-05-27 Fertilizer Application N Fertilizer Application @ WICST/GLBRC site - Switchgrass plots, N applied to main plot (30' wide)

2011-05-27 Fertilizer Application N Fertilizer application @ WICST/GLBRC site - N applied to low diversity prairie plots, main plot only fertilized (30' width)

2011-05-27 Fertilizer Application N Fertilizer application @ WICST/GLBRC site - high divesity prairie fertilizer, micro-plot only (West 10' width)

2012-05-11 Fertilizer Application N applications to G10 micro-plots (15' x 140') and perennial plots at WICST. 150 lbs of 34-0-0 applied which equals 50 lbs N/acre.