Name: Miller Pro 1000 - 45' pull behind sprayer

2011-05-03 Herbicide Application Roundup Power Max applied to G5, G7, and the south half of G6 at 24oz / acre.

2011-05-10 Herbicide Application Pre-Emergence Corn Herbicide application

2011-05-27 Herbicide Application Canola: post-emerge herbicide application

2011-06-06 Herbicide Application Herbicide Application to thin Soybean stand - applied just as beans were emerging. Intended to correct for gross over planting

2011-06-25 Herbicide Application Post-emergence / pre-canopy Glyphosate application

2011-06-29 Herbicide Application Post-emergence roundup application on soybeans

2011-08-23 Herbicide Application Pre-emergent herbicide applied to G4 oat planting to suppress weeds during cover crop establishment

2011-10-21 Herbicide Application Fall Burndown treatment for N (unplanted) half of G6 plots

2012-04-23 Herbicide Application Burndown herbicide application for rotational corn and soybean plots

2012-04-24 Herbicide Application Burndown herbicide application for continuous corn

2012-05-16 Herbicide Application Herbicide application to G5R1 and G5R2 to prevent warm season grass competition with recently re-seed switchgrass. Since none of the other reps were re-seeded there was no need to apply this herbicide to other plots.

2012-06-04 Herbicide Application Post emergence broadleaf herbicide for 2011 (CS) and 2012 (CN) Miscanthus Plantings.

2012-06-06 Herbicide Application Corn Post Emergence Herbicide Application

2012-06-06 Herbicide Application Post emergence herbicide application

2013-05-06 Herbicide Application Pre-emerge herbicide application for continuous corn

2013-06-10 Herbicide Application Pre-emerge herbicide application on short season corn

2013-06-10 Herbicide Application Pre-emerge herbicide application on soybeans

2013-06-28 Herbicide Application Post-emerge herbicide application on continuous corn

2014-05-08 Herbicide Application Pre-emerge herbicide spray on switchgrass

2014-05-08 Herbicide Application Pre-emerge herbicide spray on miscanthus

2014-05-20 Herbicide Application Pre-Emerge 5/20/2014 Defy 2,4-D LV 4 (16oz/ac) + Hornet WDG (4oz/ac) + Dual II Magnum (24oz/ac)

2014-06-10 Herbicide Application pre-emerge

2014-05-14 Herbicide Application spray weeds

2014-06-09 Herbicide Application pre-emerge

2014-07-11 Herbicide Application post emerge

2015-06-29 Herbicide Application Weed Control

2015-06-30 Herbicide Application post-emerge. Only applied to 2012, and 2013 plantings.

2015-06-30 Herbicide Application post-emerge