Name: JD 9400 - 15' combine

2011-10-10 Harvest Soybean Main plot harvest - plots were weighed in Posner Lab weigh wagon and then moistures were obtained using a Dicky-John GAC 2100 moisture meter

2012-09-27 Harvest Soybean main-plot harvest (middle 60' of each soybean plot). Harvest began with Chuck Breneman doing rep 1 and then Dan Jennings took over to complete reps 2-5.

2012-09-27 Harvest Soybean main-plot harvest (middle 60' of each soybean plot). Harvest began with Chuck Breneman doing rep 1 and then Dan Jennings took over to complete reps 2-5.

2014-10-28 Harvest Micros harvested by Vince Davis with Almaco SP40 Mains harvested with JD 9400 combine & 15' head