Name: John Deere 10' brushhog mower

2005-10-07 Mechanical Weed Control Mowed treatments 1 and 2 in the biodiversity study. Only reps 1, 2, and 3 were mowed. Mowed with the JD 6420 tractor and JD 10' brushog mower.

2009-11-10 Mechanical Weed Control Jim Stoneburner mowed the T8 plots, all replications. Plots were mowed to approximately 8 inches height.

2007-10-09 Mowing Mowed the wheat stubble to keep weeds from producing seeds. Please see notes below for specific dates treatments and/or plots were mowed. Mowed with the JD bush-hog mower. October 8, 2007: mowed T4, two reps (not sure which two reps); October 9, 2007 mowed T4, four reps (not sure which four reps); October 10, 2007: mowed T3, all reps.

2007-09-17 Mowing Mowed the wheat stubble to keep weeds from producing seeds. Mowed with the JD bush-hog mower.

2007-09-19 Mowing Mowed the wheat stubble to keep weeds from producing seeds. Please see notes below for specific dates treatments and/or plots were mowed. Mowed with the JD bush-hog mower. September 19, 2007: Mowed T2 reps: 1, 6, and 4; September 20, 2007 Mowed T2 reps: 2, 3, and 5.

2007-09-20 Mowing Mowed the wheat stubble to keep weeds from producing seeds. Mowed with the JD bush-hog mower.

2004-07-12 Mowing Mowed the T2 micro-plots before we started harvest.

2004-09-14 Mowing Mowed wheat stubble to keep weed from producing seeds.

2000-11-06 Mowing Mowed T8 plots. Not sure what equipment was used. I am sure that we used the JD 10' bush-hog mower and JD tractor (either JD 6400, 7400 or 7600 tractor). I would guess that we used the JD 6400 or JD 7400 tractor.

2000-10-31 Mowing Mowed wheat stubble and fallow plots in the Bio-complexity. Mowed the wheat stubble to keep weeds from producing seeds. Mowed the fallow plots so that we could till the fall fallow plots and make the spring fallow plots look good for the winter. Not sure which tractor and mower was used? The JD 6400 or JD 7400 tractor was most likely used. The only mower around at this time was the JD 10' bush-hog mower.

2000-08-22 Mowing Mowed all the plots that had spring wheat growing in them. Because this was the first year of the study we planted spring wheat so that we would have the crop growing in each plot, instead of leaving them fallow until this fall. The spring wheat did not develop enough to harvest (take any yield data). We just mowed them down to simulated harvest.

2018-06-06 Mowing mowed alleys

2018-08-02 Mechanical Weed Control Mowed wheat plots in the LTER Biodiversity Study Treatments: B5: 114, 217, 312, 405; B8: 118, 214, 310, 408; B11: 110, 216, 309, 411; B14: 115, 204, 304, 414; B17: 116, 211, 302, 417; B20: 120, 215, 318, 420. Plots mowed to prevent weeds from going to seed.

2018-09-14 Mowing Mowed B1 plots. Mowed weeds to reduce the biomass so that we can chisel plow the plots.

2021-07-21 Mechanical Weed Control Mow off treatments 3&4 of hemp project.

2021-07-27 Mowing Mowed weeds in organic fields after wheat harvest.

2021-08-14 Mowing Mowed oat variety trial plots

2021-08-24 Mechanical Weed Control Mow down sun flowers and weeds.

2021-08-30 Mechanical Weed Control Mow off weeds to promote clover growth.

2021-09-02 Mechanical Weed Control Mow weeds in field 85 clover plots. Mow down G2 hemp.

2021-09-03 Mechanical Weed Control Mow off weeds above cover crop plots.

2021-11-18 Mowing Mow prairie strips.

2022-03-16 Mowing Mow six of the 10 Malstrom plots at an 8" height. Additional prairie planting were mowed to control woody vegetation in 27-2-2, B4-FSC, Field 46, North of the burn pile, NE of wintergreen lake.

2022-07-25 Mechanical Weed Control Mow ASP 2 prairie strips with brushog to a height of 7-8 inches to suppress weeds. Mow ASP 1 prairie strips with 6' flail mower to a height of 5-8 inches. ASP1F1 not mowed until 7-26.

2022-07-27 Mechanical Weed Control Mow ASP4 prairie strips and ASP6 prairie plots to a height of 6-8 inches to suppress weeds. ASP3 prairie strips were mowed on 7-28. LTAR bait crop plot was cut with brushhog to a height of 2-3 inches.

2022-08-03 Mechanical Weed Control Mow prairie strips at a height of 6-8 inches to suppress weeds.

2022-08-09 Mowing Mowed the weeds in the T8nt plots today. No wheat was harvested for yield in/from any of these plots in 2022.

2022-08-23 Mechanical Weed Control Mow off weeds in clover to a height of 6 inches.

2022-09-15 Mechanical Weed Control Mow prairie plots at a heigh of 8 inches to set back weeds.

2022-09-19 Mechanical Weed Control Mow at tops of clover plants to suppress weeds.

2022-09-19 Mechanical Weed Control Mow prairie strips at a height of 8 inches to suppress weeds.

2022-09-21 Mowing Mow sudex cover crop at a height of 3 inches in preparation for wheat planting.

2022-10-06 Mechanical Weed Control Mow prairie strips at 8 inches to suppress weeds. ASP2 F1 was cut 10/4 and ASP2 F2 10/10.

2022-11-08 Mowing Mow prairie strips at 8 inches to suppress weeds. 11-7-2022-ASP2F2, ASP5F2: Mow prairie at 8 inches. This was only done in the older prairie areas that had not been mowed earlier during the weed control mowing.

2023-04-06 Mowing Mow Malmstrom plots to a height of 8 inches. The west most set of plots had been laid down by the snow and little was cut off.

2023-04-06 Mechanical Weed Control Mow prairie areas north of rainout shelter, around burn pile, and east of 82-2 to suppress woody vegetation.

2023-04-25 Mowing Mow the east prairie and extra field area to suppress woody vegetation and prepare for Waterman weed study.

2023-05-12 Mowing Mow off terminated cover crops (treatment 1) in A2, A3W soybean vole trial. Mow F2 in preparation for planting.

2023-08-08 Mechanical Weed Control Mowed dying switchgrasss to height of 4 inches to prepare for planting. Mowed eastern 3 blocks, then had breakdown. finished western block on 8/18/2023.

2023-10-04 Mechanical Weed Control Mow plots at a height of 5" to suppress weeds.

2024-04-08 Mowing Mow prairie areas to suppress woody vegetation. The far north part of ASP4F2 field edge prairie strip, B4-FSC, area northwest and south of burn pile, northeast of Duck Lake, northeast of field 82-2, in and around field 46, and extra area in 27-2-2 were cut.

2024-04-19 Mowing Mow Malstrom prairie at a height of 8 inches to suppress woody vegetation.

2024-08-15 Mechanical Weed Control Mow B2 and C3 to suppress weeds in clover. Mow weeds in extra portion of E2. Mow buckwheat in F2.