Name: Two row band sprayer

2009-05-04 Mechanical Weed Control Sprayed the GLBRC Main Site, Treatment G8 replications 1-5. Prowl H2O (pendimethalin) was applied at 2.1 quarts /acre (4.9 L/ha) for pre-emergence control of grasses and broadleaves in poplar plots. Prowl was applied to the sprayed areas of the field, by applying it in 36” bands. Weather conditions: Partly cloudy with air temperature of 64 degrees F (17.8°C). Relative Humidity was 33%. Wind was from east northeast at 3/10 mph with an average speed of 7 mph. Time of application was 2:30 p.m. Equipment Used: JD 5225 tractor traveling 3 mph with a front 3-point mounted custom-built sprayer with a rolling pump (Dempco). O.C. 04 nozzles were used, spaced 6 feet apart to spray outside the width of the tractor. 30 psi was used. Water applied at 19 gallons/acre (177L/ha) was used as the carrier. Purpose of application: Pre-emergence control of grasses and broadleaves in poplar.

2008-05-06 Herbicide Application Band sprayed the trees in the GLBRC Main Site G8 plots, all reps. Applied Prowl H2O (pendimethalin) at the rate of 2.1 qts/A (4.9 L/ha) for pre-emergence control of grasses and broadleaves in the poplar trees. Todd used the JD 5225 tractor with a spray tank on the back three point hitch with the spray boom attached to the tractors front three point hitch. I think we applied a 36” band. Weather conditions: ? with air temperature of ? degrees F (? °C). Relative Humidity was ?%. Wind was from ? at ? mph with an average speed of ? mph. Time of application was ?. Equipment Used: JD 5225 tractor traveling 3 mph with a front 3-point mounted custom-built sprayer with a rolling pump (Dempco). O.C. 04 nozzles were used, spaced 6 feet apart to spray outside the width of the tractor. 30 psi was used. Water applied at 19 gallons/acre (177L/ha) was used as the carrier. Purpose of application: Pre-emergence control of grasses and broadleaves in poplar.