Name: John Deere 2155 Tractor

2005-08-25 Harvest Mick baled the alfalfa from the main site treatment 6, all replications. Mick baled with the JD 2155 tractor and NH baler, square bales. Matt picked up the bales with the JD 6400 tractor and NH bale stacker. The moisture on the alfalfa was 14% in rep 6 and 15% in rep 1.

1996-03-12 Planting {{pl: Frost seeded Michigan Red Mammoth Clover at 12 lb/A rate to Rotation Entry Point Study (Treatments 3 and 4), low chemical and zero chemical wheat plots which were planted last fall. The wheat is about 1-2 inches tall and looks brown. The temperature at 8:30 am was 30 degrees. Finished operation at about 9:00 am. I used the Gandy Orbit Air Spreader from Dale Mutches program and the JD 2155 W/Loader and FW assist.}}

2012-06-13 Harvest Raked single alfalfa windrows into double windrows. Raking single windrows into double windrow makes harvest (chopping) the alfalfa more time efficient and the double windrows feed into the chopper better than the single windrows. Raked T6, all reps. Phil Goodall did the raking.

2012-08-01 Harvest Baled small square bales in LTER Main Site treatment 6 all replications in this order (6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1).

2013-08-19 Harvest Raked alfalfa in LTER Main Site T6 plots. Jim Bronson raked replications 1-4 on Sunday Aug. 18, 2013 and Justin Mezo raked replications 5 and 6 on Monday Aug. 19, 2013.

2013-08-21 Harvest Baled alfalfa in all reps of T6. Jim Bronson baled the alfalfa (small square bales). Matt Pixley picked of the bales.

2004-07-09 Harvest Mowed T6 plots in the LTER. Look below for specific dates for harvest activities. July 8, 2004 mowed T6 reps: 2, 1, and 3; July 9, 2004 mowed T6 reps: 4, 5, and 6. Finished mowing the plots by 12:20 p.m. July 11, 2004 raked alfalfa in T6, all reps, reps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. July 11, 2004 Jim tried to bale the alfalfa from T6 plots however the alfalfa was not dry enough to bale. July 12, 2004 tedded the alfalfa in T6 plots. Joe S. tedded the alfalfa in T6 reps 1 and 2. Gale Kellam tedded T6 reps: 3, 4, 5, and 6. Tedded alfalfa with the JD 5400 tractor and tedder. July 12, 2004 Scott K. raked all the alfalfa in the T6 plots. Scott raked with the Dairy's small loader tractor and double rakes. July 12, 2004 Jim B tried to bale but the alfalfa was to wet to keep baling. Jim baled with the JD 2155 tractor and NH baler. July 13, 2004 Matt P. raked T6 reps 6 and 5 with the Dairy's single rake. Jim B. raked T6 reps 3, 4, 2, and 1 with the JD 6400 tractor and double rakes. July13, 2004 Jim B. baled all reps of T6 with the NH small square baler. July 13, 2004 Matt P. picked up all the square bales.

2014-07-03 Harvest KBS Dairy chopped the the second cutting alfalfa on the LTER main site treatment 6, all reps. Larry Langshaw drove the tractor and chopper, Fred drove the truck to haul the alfalfa and Matt Pixley packed the bunker soil. Matt raked 4 windrows into one windrow before they chopped the plots.