Name: JD Combine

2001-04-18 Fertilizer Application Applied 28% nitrogen solution at 24 gals/Acre to all replications of treatment 8nt plots. All of the 28% nitrogen was applied in 1 application.

1994-10-15 Harvest Combined soybeans [T3] {{PL: Harvested soybeans on LTER main site treatment 3 for all reps with John Deere combine. East side harvested was 172.5 ft from east border (68 rows) and west side was 112.5 ft from west border (45 rows). Both treatment 3 and 4 were harvested in this fashion. Note: should have been 66 and 48 row splits. Corrections were made when figuring yield. }}

1994-10-17 Harvest Combine harvest [T4]